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horror / thriller movie help..

[Feb 16,2008 10:35pm - succubus ""]
Can anyone help with the following ...i for get what movie it is...

All i can remember is a couple driving in their car and it breaks down and so they walk up to an abandoned house and go inside...the woman disappears and the man looks all over for her and then finally hears noises and so he grabs a knife or something and as a door is opening he is scared and attacks the person but it turns out to be the woman and there are other people behind the door...it was a surprise party for him. i think it was from the 80's...

[Feb 16,2008 10:42pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
hot wet asses part 3.
[Feb 16,2008 11:14pm - the_reverend ""]

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