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Foo fighters pics from last night

[Feb 19,2008 12:59pm - succubus ""]
[Feb 19,2008 1:02pm - pam ""]
I can't stand this band, but nice shots Carina!
[Feb 19,2008 1:04pm - SacNLI  ""]
so is a "foo fight" what they call a food fight in alabama?
[Feb 19,2008 1:04pm - succubus ""]
thanks Pam
[Feb 19,2008 3:29pm - ariavette ""]

pam said:I can't stand this band, but nice shots Carina!

I'm with you.. worst band EVER. I'd rather pour hot acid in my ears then listen to 1 sec of any foo fighters song ever created.
[Feb 19,2008 5:01pm - succubus ""]
hah..riggght! I'm willing to bet $1000 that you'd listen to 1 second of the foo fighters over pouring hot acid in your ears...
[Feb 19,2008 5:11pm - ellesarusrex ""]
fuck anyone that got to see against me last night.
[Feb 19,2008 5:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm a proud foo fighter fan. dave grohl is a fantastic song writer.
[Feb 19,2008 5:46pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Low is one of the best songs ever written
[Feb 19,2008 5:46pm - thuringwethil ""]
I like Nirvana and Probot.
[Feb 19,2008 8:25pm - succubus ""]
more pics to come...against me! and Serj Tankian
[Feb 19,2008 8:56pm - NIGGER ""]

SacNLI said:so is a "foo fight" what they call a food fight in alabama?


[Feb 19,2008 10:25pm - Grizloch ""]
I like Foo Fighters for the most part, cept the last few singles that Ive heard
[Feb 19,2008 10:27pm - the_reverend ""]
their song "hey man nice shot" is ok, I guess.
[Feb 19,2008 10:53pm - brad weymouth  ""]

the_reverend said:their song "hey man nice shot" is ok, I guess.

omg. lol
[Feb 19,2008 10:54pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 20,2008 1:27am - ellesarusrex ""]

succubus said:more pics to come...against me! and Serj Tankian

id love to see against me shots.... fav band.
[Feb 20,2008 2:25am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The name Foo Fighters comes from an old war expression concerning flying saucers and fighter jets.

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