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Antoine Dufour - guitarists check this out

[Feb 29,2008 8:52pm - Archaeon ""]

Makes me hate myself.
[Mar 1,2008 1:41pm - Archaeon ""]
[Mar 1,2008 2:26pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I watched the first video. I always love this style of playing, but this guy isn't really doing much worth hating yourself over. In the first 2 minutes of the video, at least, he's just vamping the same 2 chords over and over and over and over. Also, with the alternate tuning he's using, it seems like he really only knows how to put a couple chord shapes over it, otherwise he keeps using open strings, harmonics, or single note lines to flesh it out.

[Mar 1,2008 2:29pm - Archaeon ""]
word it's hard to keep ones interest but i wish i could play acoustic like that. or at all.

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