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New In Dire Need song up...

[Mar 2,2008 9:28pm - Ryan_ ""]
Hey guys,

We just posted a new song off of the new CD we did. Check it out if you you are interested. Thanks.

[Mar 2,2008 9:31pm - Niccolai ""]
about time you big cuties.
[Mar 3,2008 7:46am - cav nli  ""]
that song isnt heavy at all ;)
[Mar 3,2008 4:57pm - JoeyCobraNLI  ""]
just sounds evil
[Mar 3,2008 7:02pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Fuckin' awesome. I'm glad to hear the D.J. influence on drums and that he is in a killer band. Keep it up, I can't wait to hear the rest of the new shit.
[Mar 3,2008 8:05pm - Ryan_ ""]
Thanks guys.

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