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Kris Kross jumping out

[Mar 11,2008 9:42pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 11,2008 10:13pm - The Revealer  ""]
Daddy Mac > Mac Daddy
[Mar 12,2008 12:05am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
that song rules
[Mar 12,2008 12:26am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
All I could manage to think....

They really should have filmed that in a warmer climate.
[Mar 12,2008 12:35am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
this changed me ligfe
[Mar 12,2008 1:23am - mulch  ""]
this is still one of the catchiest awesome wrap songs ever. i tried to cut those notches in my eyebrows a couple years ago but i was too drunk and fucked it up so i had to shave them all the way off and almost got fired for it. thanks mac and daddy for that one!
[Mar 12,2008 5:00am - anthny  ""]
Ha, I had a cassette single of this when I was a kid. This song is fucking awesome.
[Mar 12,2008 8:56am - MassOfSLITZnli  ""]
Sometimes, I put on my underwears inside out, does that count?
[Mar 12,2008 8:58am - MassOfSLITZnli  ""]
OH< that's wiggity wiggity wack, my bad...
[Mar 12,2008 11:07am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I tried wearing my hoodie backwards but I kept walking into shit.
[Mar 12,2008 11:13am - deadlikemurf ""]
this is about 1000% better than 100% of the shit rap has put out for the past decade

rap died on a bus in sweden in 1986
[Mar 12,2008 11:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

deadlikemurf said:this is about 1000% better than 100% of the shit rap has put out for the past decade

rap died on a bus in sweden in 1986


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