Woman stabs boyfriend to death after fight over Bruce Springsteen[views:3222][posts:11]__________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 2:20am - Samantha ""] http://cnnwire.blogs.cnn.com/2008/03/13/au...after-fight-over-bruce-springsteen/ March 13th, 2008 Australian woman stabs partner to death after fight over Bruce Springsteen Posted: 01:15 AM ET (CNN) — An Australian woman pleaded guilty Thursday to fatally stabbing her boyfriend because he objected to her listening to Bruce Springsteen’s music. The national news agency, Australian Associated Press, reported that the Supreme Court in the city of Brisbane sentenced Karen Lee Cooper to eight years in prison. Cooper told arresting officers she “just got tired” of her boyfriend, Kevin Watson, bossing her around during their two-year relationship. “I couldn’t even play Bruce Springsteen on my stereo. Can you believe that? Can you believe that,” Cooper told police, according to the Courier Mail newspaper. Later, in a formal police interview, she repeated her claims: “I mean who doesn’t like Bruce Springsteen? I am 49 years old and I want to play my own music.” The couple had been drinking at their rental home the night of the stabbing two years ago when they began arguing over Cooper’s choice of music, the Australian Associated Press said. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 2:31am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""] Read this on another forum. Absolutely retarded but still amusing. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 7:58am - thuringwethil ""] bennyhillifier |
__________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 8:00am - bradmann ""] Cooper told arresting officers she “just got tired” of her boyfriend, Kevin Watson, bossing her around during their two-year relationship. BWAHAHAHAHA |
_______________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 8:03am - thuringwethil ""] nyuck nyuck |
______________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 9:57am - kadooganism ""] [img] |
_________________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 10:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""] This sounds like my ex-girlfriend. Friggin' Jersey girls... |
________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 10:32am - aril ""] yet if this was to occur with anything metal, the media would be all over it! |
_________________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 10:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""] Well, it is Australia, people randomly stab each other to death over what channel to watch on TV or whether to get pepperoni or mushroom pizza. |
__________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 10:38am - ZenErik ""] FACKIN' PRISON COLONY, KED. [img] |
_____________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 1:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""] BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE!!!!!!!!!! |
_______________________________________ [Mar 13,2008 2:24pm - neverpurified ""] I don't know, being a Springsteen fan myself....I'd get a little pissed if I was forbidden to listen to the Boss on my stereo |