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New South Park - Season 12

[Mar 16,2008 2:48am - Samantha ""]
[Mar 16,2008 3:01am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I can't believe that that happened.
[Mar 16,2008 8:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"AIDS-burger in Paradise!"
[Mar 16,2008 9:02am - PeteovDom ""]
"we're not just sure, we're HIV positive!"
[Mar 16,2008 12:03pm - fleshfries ""]
"AIDS is so......retro"
[Mar 16,2008 5:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love how Cartman is dressed like Tom Hank's character in Philadelphia after he gets the AIDS.
[Mar 16,2008 5:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Are you sure you haven't taken it up the hoo-hoo just once or twice?"

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