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Cum Aboard American Airlines

[Mar 18,2008 8:39pm - succubus ""]
Centava Dozier, a 21 year old female from Houston, TX got a very unexpected surprise after waking up from a nap aboard an American Airlines flight.

Dozier was on a flight from DFW International airport to Los Angeles, CA, to visit some family and friends. When the flight took off, she was sitting on an unoccupied row on the plane and decided to get some rest.

When she woke up, she found a sticky substance in her hair along with a man masturbating in the seat right next to her!!!!!!

According to reports, Dozier claims that when she went to ask the flight attendants for help and to have the pervert removed from the seat next to her and taken to his assigned seat, the staff did nothing.

Thankfully, the man was arrested when the plane landed though.

Dozeir has filed a $200,000 suit against American Airlines, claiming that a passenger masturbated next to her and then ejaculated in her hair while she slept, and that the crew failed to assist her afterwards.

Representatives for American Airlines maintain that their staff aboard the plane took appropriate action and had the individual arrested upon arrival.

Guess everyone is going to start thinking twice before falling asleep on a plane.
[Mar 18,2008 8:43pm - dreadkill ""]
i know i will
[Mar 18,2008 8:44pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 18,2008 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 18,2008 8:45pm - inmate 213  ""]
[Mar 18,2008 8:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Funny story.
[Mar 19,2008 6:59pm - ANILallla  ""]
You better Dreadkill, you r just a sweet piece of man ass??... you druggy!! if you are in jail!!!
[Mar 19,2008 7:13pm - sxealex ""]
that guy is the man....
[Mar 19,2008 7:13pm - sxealex ""]
THOUGHTS: "hmmm... maybe ill jerk off in this girls hair"
[Mar 19,2008 8:47pm - dreadkill ""]

ANILallla said:You better Dreadkill, you r just a sweet piece of man ass??... you druggy!! if you are in jail!!!
lol wut?
[Mar 19,2008 9:12pm - dreadkill ""]
if i could translate from retard i might have a real response for that post. is the person asking me if i'm a sweet piece of man ass? take a look at my ass and judge for yourself i guess. and how am i a druggy?
[Mar 19,2008 9:26pm - xmikex ""]
Dave Chapelle has a good bit about a masterbating bum holding a bus hostage.
[Mar 19,2008 9:42pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:Dave Chapelle has a good bit about a masterbating bum holding a bus hostage.
come on dog, you hittin my elbows. stop it!

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