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61 key hardshell case (RoadReady) w/wheels

[Mar 20,2008 10:10am - darkenedsoul ""]
I am looking to sell my Hardshell case that'll fit a Triton Extreme/LE or other similar 61 key synthesizers. Plenty of foam. Used once for Heathen Crusade Festival II last year. Paid $210 for it. Selling for $150. Contact me here if interested. I live near the NH border (salem area).
[Mar 20,2008 12:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
Why are you getting rid of that?

You know, what if you ever wanted to play out again, and the band was touring and had to fly?
[Mar 20,2008 3:12pm - darkenedsoul ""]

dyingmuse said:Why are you getting rid of that?

You know, what if you ever wanted to play out again, and the band was touring and had to fly?

I'm not planning on any touring stuff. I had fun over the past 4 yrs. It was different, interesting, met lots of cool people (band members/non-band members) including The Rev. ;-) I kinda miss it but not enough to want to go back playing in a band again and doing the live scene.

So it's up for sale or I'll do a trade at some place for maybe some other piece of gear.
[Jun 9,2008 8:09am - darkenedsoul ""]
Still available.
[Jun 9,2008 9:29am - aril  ""]
interested, but my lack of spendable funds at the moment are killing me.
[Jun 9,2008 6:31pm - darkenedsoul ""]
-Well it isn't going anywhere atm. So it may be around when you get some funds.
[Sep 12,2009 4:05am - darkenedsoul ""]
Traded it in today for a new keyboard so no longer available.

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