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ripping video (getting caught up, cimf etc etc)

[Mar 28,2008 12:56am - Grizloch ""]
I am currently ripping the 4th of 17 cimf07 videos, most with 2 bands on them

I finally bought another hardrive for my computer so I can finally get caught up, once Im done with the remaining 13 tapes I need to figure out why my copy of nero grossly inflates file sizes when I cut them up, then I can start youtubin'

[Mar 28,2008 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
why not use something better than nero?
[Mar 28,2008 12:36pm - Grizloch ""]
Im poor

I had the same problem with my old software, windvd or something, its wierd because it starts off fine, then after a few months it starts inflating file sizes, I have no idea how a computer does that, I dunno if its something that Ive done or what, I didnt fuck with the quality settings in the program, and the computer is used solely for video and storage at this point
[Apr 3,2008 12:00am - BSV  ""]
I'll pay you cash niggah!

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