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FOR SALE: LTD MH-300 guitar

[Mar 30,2008 11:44am - handinjury ""]
LTD MH-300 w/case $350
Excellent condition (besides plastic pickup rings are cracked around screws), mahogany body, neck thru, includes case and trem bar.
Located in RI.

[Mar 30,2008 12:14pm - Niccolai ""]
350 is a good deal for this guitar with the case.
[Mar 30,2008 2:48pm - tylor  ""]
sick color!
[Mar 30,2008 4:49pm - handinjury ""]

Niccolai said:350 is a good deal for this guitar with the case.

I know you are a LTD freak, its breaks my GAS to sell this. I never put the 81 in and tuned it to c# like I intended to when bought, so it just sat in a case.

MORE gear for sale coming soon...........
[Mar 30,2008 5:40pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

handinjury said: I never put the 81 in and tuned it to c# like I intended to when bought,.

thats my exact setup
[Mar 30,2008 5:41pm - Blue ""]
i owned the same color mh300 for about 2 years, cept it had a duncan custom in the bridge.
[Mar 30,2008 6:08pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:
handinjury said: I never put the 81 in and tuned it to c# like I intended to when bought,.

thats my exact setup

[Mar 30,2008 6:12pm - Niccolai ""]
Incase anyones thinking about buying this, it's back when ESP used high quality mahogany on their 300 line and made good neckthrough joints.

Excellent quality guitar. throw some pickups in it and it will be pimpin.
[Mar 30,2008 9:37pm - handinjury ""]

Niccolai said:Incase anyones thinking about buying this, it's back when ESP used high quality mahogany on their 300 line and made good neckthrough joints.

Excellent quality guitar. throw some pickups in it and it will be pimpin.

Very true, the 300 line was much better quality than the 400 series.
[Apr 3,2008 4:53pm - handinjury ""]
Still available.
[Apr 3,2008 4:56pm - dreadkill ""]
that is a snazzy guitar. seems like a low price for something that nice.
[Apr 3,2008 7:15pm - fishcakes ""]
Brian, give me a call...
[Apr 3,2008 7:28pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
haha fish!!
[Apr 3,2008 11:53pm - fishcakes ""]
it's not about the guitar
[Apr 4,2008 8:50am - largefreakatzero ""]
My gay work blocks photobucket so I can't view this, but that is my exact set-up, tuning, everything. I might consider this. I'll check out the pics when I get home tonight.
[Apr 19,2008 3:28pm - robbieofthedeparted ""]
*Sigh* I missed this guitar by 30 freekin minutes hahaha
[Apr 19,2008 3:32pm - Hoser ""]
Hey, I have an m-302 in natural finish for sale as well.

[Apr 19,2008 3:37pm - robbieofthedeparted ""]
:wiggam: how much?
[Apr 19,2008 3:44pm - Hoser ""]
$400 with an emg 81 in the bridge

and a hardshell.
[Apr 19,2008 4:25pm - robbieofthedeparted ""]
Any detailed pictures of the M-302?

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