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me and ben discuss the future of deathamphetamine and the mythology of Marcus Fraturra

[Apr 4,2008 9:08pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
AIM IM with iron and rust.
6:17 PM
Trooperstu: I reformatted the band recently. I kicked out pat and nick I think is gone too but I have been too much of a pussy to talk to him.
even though I posted that new song online and shit I was really not into what we were doing with it
6:25 PM
Iron and Rust: whoa thats weird. yeah it seemed a little boring
Trooperstu: yeah pat and nick were kind of bringing me down. Not like personally, but uhh like bandwise. It was kind of bad the way I went about it.
Trooperstu: We are going to write a really intense sloppy grind/trash album in like a month and then go from there
Iron and Rust: sick. what do marcus and cristian think?
Trooperstu: already two songs done in a week vs one song in six months
they are down for it
Iron and Rust: are you singing again too?
Trooperstu: we are trying to figure out the logistics now. Oh, yeah I am going to sing
Iron and Rust: sick man thats gonna rule. it was getting kind of old
Trooperstu: I have been trying to learn your technique ever since I visited you in marion
Iron and Rust: ha
Trooperstu: I kind of have a version of it down
Iron and Rust: the vox on “cathedral” you did are really good
6:30 PM
Trooperstu: like the death metal ones?
Iron and Rust: yeah. I liked everything, unlike those other dudes.
Trooperstu: pat wanted me to re-write those anti-racist lyrics that I wrote because they were too straight forward. that has bothered me for a while.
just so much crap that I don't have to worry about anymore
Iron and Rust: so that recording will be unfinished then?
Trooperstu: I don’t really know whats gonna happen with that
6:35 PM
Iron and Rust: a record label from TX, Lokisson Records, wants to release my solo stuff.
Trooperstu: that is cool. See that is what I am talking about it just doesn't pay to try to be something that is just not what comes naturally. people can tell that is what you are genuinely into so you are getting recognition for it.
Iron and Rust: yeah I don’t have to like try too hard or anything
6:40 PM
Trooperstu: yeah I mean It isn't even a matter how hard it is. Like if we were meant to be super technical it would probably come a lot easier to us.
Iron and rust: exactly, if you play like old school thrash and grind, it will be fun, and come easily and people will like it
Trooperstu: yeah that is what I hope will develop
Iron and Rust: revocations new album looks like its gonna be sick
6:45 PM
Trooperstu: yeah it does. see they were like meant to be a sick technical band
Iron and rust: they have a lot of training too
Trooperstu: I remember anthony telling me once that dave had like 25 songs that he was trying to work on for that album. all I could think of is how we would never be able to do something like that with the way we worked
Iron and Rust: yeah, too many people not on the same page
6:50 PM
Trooperstu: right. but anyway we are gonna just kind not look back on this one. I already feel so much more excited about the whole thing.
Iron and Rust: yeah change is definitly good and im glad x and marcus are on board. it would have been cool to do that once asaf left right away
Trooperstu: with you on vocals?
Iron and Rust: yeah
Trooperstu: yeah thats just not what happened i guess
Iron and Rust: but the three peice is perfect, classic thrash
Trooperstu: I mean the 3 song thing we did was pretty awesome
so I don't really regret that
Iron and Rust: yeah it came out good
7:00 PM
Trooperstu: It was the high point for that style that we were trying to do then you know?
Iron and Rust: yeah defiinitly the best thing we recorded im interested in this new stuff though is it like brutal truthish or something?
Trooperstu: It is still taking shape It would be hard to compare it to something, but I think you have the right Idea
Iron and Rust: yeah i bet marcus is as excited as a small school chylde
Trooperstu: like a magykill chylde
7:05 PM
Iron and Rust: hhaha he lives in lexington now huh and has a college degree
Trooperstu: lexington mass: the home of magikchylde
Trooperstu: Magikchylde: noun, a heshian death metal fan who lives with his parents no matter what.
Trooperstu: usage: that marcus frattura is a real magikchylde
Iron and Rust: the one and only
Iron and Rust: his powers are ceaselesss
Trooperstu: imagine what it would be like to wield such power
Iron and Rust: he has the dazzling power of a thousand unicorns
7:10 PM
Trooperstu: this is what causes the magikchylde to abandon the condoms of mortal men, the commands of the perished unicorns of old
Iron and Rust: he gains power from licking his boogers after he wipes them on his hand
Trooperstu: it gives him a power boost because his boogers contain a magical white powder
Trooperstu: that was discovered in a far off land
Iron and Rust: his brain secretes a cachement of power crystal
Trooperstu: his language baffles the minds of mortal men
Iron and Rust: he is forced to speak in jumblespeak since everything he says is so full of truth that it will bring grown men to tears
Trooperstu: yes but yet he still tries to explain
7:15 PM
Trooperstu: forever he will remain misunderstood
Iron and Rust: and cherished by all for his mystique, and enlightnment
Trooperstu: and to women he will appear harmless until they reach his lair where they are promptly impregnated
Trooperstu: only after this do they see the truth
Trooperstu: the shrine to his grace can be viewed on the return to the pit message board
Trooperstu: Ok I am out of stupid stuff
Iron and Rust: it could go on forever.
7:20 PM
[Jun 24,2010 12:04am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Jun 24,2010 12:28am - goatcatalyst ""]
Please don't ever post anything that lomg again unless it is uproarously hilarious. That barely merited a chuckle.
[Jun 24,2010 5:29am - slar you a magnet?  ""]
ryan, its kind of an inside joke, or rather a string of several, trust me, if you were me, you would lol. i know i did.

(P.S. if you were me you would also be way worse at guitar, the subject of several failed memes and apparently, a mythological figure to a select few initiates. now if i could just start my own religion...)
[Jun 24,2010 6:06am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jun 24,2010 9:19am - goatcatalyst ""]
I love me some slarslarbinks, slar. You knows I do.
[Jun 25,2010 2:43am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Why would anybody dig this back up?

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