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For Fans of: The Black Dahlia Murder, The Red Chord, The Acacia Strain

[May 5,2008 12:57pm - BSV  ""]
random thought. I know it's been discussed before but it still drives me crazy. Stocking CDs of all these deathcore bands with stickers that read crap like that-it just doesn't add up. At least Moribund Records does it right.
[May 5,2008 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
stickers like that deter me a lot. it seems mindless to me, like "who needs to research, if we tell you you'll like it, YOU'LL FUCKING LIKE IT!"
[May 5,2008 1:05pm - RichHorror ""]
My favorite has been 'For fans of HARDCORE in the vein of Pantera and Lamb Of God'.
[May 5,2008 1:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
[May 5,2008 1:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Good thing I steal all my music LOLz
[May 5,2008 1:09pm - BSV  ""]
exactly! I loose respect for labels who pull shit out of their asses like that. especially when it comes down to mooching off the success of something totally irrevelant.
[May 5,2008 1:11pm - Sacreligion ""]
Instead of "for fans of" it should just say "chug chug chug bree chuggachuggachuggachugga"
[May 5,2008 1:18pm - Kinslayer  ""]
"for posers and scene kids..."
[May 5,2008 3:43pm - cav nli  ""]
"so put a big black sticker on the front that says for fans of, and you can donate a penny to my future pension" -crime in stereo
[May 5,2008 3:58pm - dreadkill ""]
for fans of homosexual coitus
[May 5,2008 3:58pm - dreadkill ""]
it's lazy marketing but it seems to work
[May 5,2008 5:34pm - brandon... nli  ""]
Im also a bigger hater of bands with huge desrciptions of themselves saying how great they are and they are attempting nothing new. Its always the bands that say they are differnt that have a very typical breakdown after the first 4 measures.
[May 5,2008 5:38pm - dreadkill ""]

brandon...%20nli said:Im also a bigger hater of bands with huge desrciptions of themselves saying how great they are and they are attempting nothing new. Its always the bands that say they are differnt that have a very typical breakdown after the first 4 measures.
so true. i know it's been said many times before on this site, but i always laugh when a band's myspace, in the "sounds like:" section, says something like "a sound unlike anything you've heard before," or "the sound of the revolution," or "so unique it'll blast your fuckin ears off."
[May 5,2008 6:19pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I posted a thread of the same nature a while ago, Josh. I feel your pain. I always thought it was ridiculous that 9 out of every 10 Relapse Records releases had a "For Fans of The Black Dahlia Murder" sticker on it...but it REALLY, REALLY fucking got to me when I saw it on a Brutal Truth CD. How the fuck does that happen? Seriously?
[May 5,2008 6:20pm - blue ""]
check out the new SLAYER album

for fans of hatebreed, pantera & lamb of god!
[Nov 25,2011 11:32am - ca_va_faire_une_maudite_poutin ""]

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