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green jelly tour

Bill's Bar (Boston, MA) - [bad_ash][green_jelly][herra_terra][planetoid][randomshots]
[May 15,2008 5:24pm - josh_hates_you ""]
july 8th - bill's bar

http://profile.myspace.com/greenjelly fuck yeah
[May 15,2008 5:25pm - the_reverend ""]
um... bill's bar isn't there any more, is it?
[May 15,2008 7:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Green Jello will re-construct Bill's Bar, play the show, and then burn it to the ground.

Did I mention that Bill Brasky is fronting the band, now?
[May 15,2008 8:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'll be damned!
[Jul 3,2008 10:10am - josh_hates_you ""]
tuesday motherfuckers.
[Jul 3,2008 10:22am - BrianDBB ""]
Been waiting 14 years to see these guys, and the ONE week we decide to actually tour andd go away, they do a reunion tour in New England! I hope we get to see this on the road, i'd be PISSED if I didn't.
[Jul 3,2008 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
tuesday? weird, I don't see it on the events page.
[Jul 3,2008 1:01pm - pam ""]

BrianDBB said:Been waiting 14 years to see these guys, and the ONE week we decide to actually tour andd go away, they do a reunion tour in New England! I hope we get to see this on the road, i'd be PISSED if I didn't.

I've been waiting that long too, and they pick when I'm pretty much on fucking bedrest pregnant to play.

And they apparently planned with At The Gates too

[Jul 3,2008 1:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:

Did I mention that Bill Brasky is fronting the band, now?

I heard BILL BRASKY is playing every instrument in the band. I also heard that he is going to hand build every venue he plays at and then will destroy them all after each show.
[Jul 4,2008 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
im all set to shoot this. yeah!
[Jul 4,2008 1:06pm - pam ""]
I hate all you. I hope their bus breaks down. If I can't see them, no one can.
[Jul 4,2008 1:37pm - DUG_nli  ""]
I'll be there. My buddy's band is playing.
[Jul 5,2008 8:16am - josh_hates_you ""]
red sox game at fenway = parking fun.
[Jul 5,2008 9:40am - the_reverend ""]
DUG, what is your boy's band?
[Jul 5,2008 12:38pm - DUG_nli  ""]
[Jul 8,2008 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
tonight. I hope it's really doors at 8pm like the GJ myspace says. leaving NH at 7pm.
[Jul 8,2008 6:03pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 8,2008 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, just off the phone with them. they have been in boston since 7am.
[Jul 8,2008 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
here now. I don't think there are many people here yet. im waiting or side for the list still.
[Jul 8,2008 8:45pm - the_reverend ""]
holy crap! it is freaking chilly in this place. I haven't been here since the d&g fest. not many people inside, but there are plenty chilling outside. green jelly's bus is huge. I can't even imagine how much they burn in gas. I would love to complete everything in my life and retire to a bus like that that runs off the power of my own ego and roam the country. im sure you need a special license and they woulsnt give one to a 152 year old (the estimated age when I can retire).

i'm seriously pumped for this show. especially after poking around the green jelly myspace and seeing how little is mentioned about their "radio hit". when someone asked me about who gj was. I said the little pigs thing, but they were probably in diapers then. so I said that it's like if gwar stopped spraying the crowd and started writing good music. this is going to be a show for the history books.
[Jul 8,2008 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
wish I brought a hoodie in here. no music has started yet.
[Jul 8,2008 9:36pm - the_reverend ""]
herra terra: that was really cool. They played what is essentially synth pop. One guy with a guitar+pedals and the other with a korg synth. They wore what amounts to a head to toe condom with stuffed crotches and glowing this that started on their chest and migrated down to the afore mentioned stuffed crotches. right when they finished the staff and their friend decended on the stage and made quick work getting the area set up for planetoid (who are already walking around in white suits).
[Jul 8,2008 10:09pm - sxealex ""]
arg i should come to this arg arg arg
[Jul 8,2008 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
come in just for the ac. im gd getting goose bumps it's so chilly.
[Jul 8,2008 10:30pm - the_reverend ""]
planetoid: interesting, the do the whole "we aren't from earth". I almost believed it too... I mean who else would have a cylon for a drummer? Their race would have to be either 30 years behind or 1000's of years ahead based solely on the hipness of leisure suits. Anyhow, they aren't from any other planet than earth. I could tell because of the guitarist. You could see that the inside of his ear wasn't paited. C'mon. Easy to spot that one. The music was a bunch of rock metal that 3-years-ago-aaron would have probably lamb basted into oblivion, but new aaron was interested in it. Probabbly cause I was waiting for the guitarist's horn or the bassist's ears to fall off. The second they ended, a horde of people pulled thei stuff off the stage.
[Jul 8,2008 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
anyone else chat with the dude handing out bracelets at the door? that dude is very cool. great attitude.

bad ash: im pretty sure that the guitarist is dressed up like the guitarist for turbo negro. It seemed like everyone on the stage was given a microphone. Decent show. I forget what I said abot them when I saw them at the palladium probably something about not being into them, but they put on a good show. Also the tromboner is in another band like the effort or something like that. They had the same signs to tell people what to say like "CHA-CHA-CHA" and "pretty dead girls". At the end, the sampler player (and back up vocals and mosh crew) sprayed silly string in the audience.
[Jul 9,2008 12:22am - DUG_nli  ""]
Planetoid once again rocked my cock off.
[Jul 9,2008 1:31am - the_reverend ""]
that's why the floor was so slippery for gj? all those rocked off cox?
[Jul 9,2008 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
uploading pictures in a minute.
[Jul 9,2008 11:01am - ragamonster ""]
Awesome fucking show. Every band was amazing. Great pictures as usual.
[Jul 9,2008 12:34pm - mcmahon ""]
wow, i forgot about green jello.... I think I have a tape somewhere in the mess. I need to dig it out and take a listen before viewing.
[Jul 9,2008 12:45pm - mOe ""]
my band played with herra terra this past saturday in Worcester...if anyone remembers the worcester metalcore band Akela, the guitar player used to be in that band. I thought they were awesome. They'd be just as good without the body suits, but oh well.
[Jul 9,2008 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
the singer for akela was there helping them load out so that makes sense
[Jul 9,2008 1:09pm - cav nli  ""]
akela ruled hard
[Jul 9,2008 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
Seeing Matt Rowe at this show was one of the highlights of my year.
[Jul 9,2008 2:46pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i am so pissed i was so lazy and tired last nite.

im gonna go hang myself now.
[Jul 9,2008 4:09pm - jess from Maine  ""]

the_reverend said:I would love to complete everything in my life and retire to a bus like that that runs off the power of my own ego and roam the country.

hahahahaha YES
[Jul 9,2008 4:19pm - IntestinalAvenger ""]
Green Jelly was one of the best live experiences I have ever seen. I haven't had that much fun at a show in a long time.
[Jul 9,2008 4:40pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jul 9,2008 10:20pm - pam ""]

IntestinalAvenger said:Green Jelly was one of the best live experiences I have ever seen. I haven't had that much fun at a show in a long time.

I wish I was dead.
[Jul 9,2008 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
was=were. subjuctive miss.
[Jul 10,2008 12:06am - IntestinalAvenger ""]
Sorry, I was excited.
[Jul 10,2008 3:38am - the_reverend ""]
the show was superior
[Jul 10,2008 1:23pm - pam ""]

the_reverend said:was=were. subjuctive miss.

That's not how you spell subjective, mister.
[Jul 10,2008 5:35pm - the_reverend ""]
um... subjective? wRONG! Subjunctive.
[Jul 10,2008 5:38pm - pam ""]
You didn't spell that right either!
[Jul 10,2008 5:41pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, blame my phone.
[Jul 10,2008 8:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Mother fucker!

I forgot about this!
[Jul 10,2008 10:56pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Jul 10,2008 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
not sure. a few people were offered this tour it seems.
[Jul 20,2008 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I found this on my phone

GREEN JELLŸ: the big tamali of this event. If you had asked me in high school if I ever though I would see these guys, I would have said "geewiz mister. That sure would be swell!" if you asked me in college, I would have said no way, they broke up. Fast forward 15 years from their brief MTV fame and they are back, roaming the country on yet another puppy show tour. The set was nothing short of some of the greatest theatrical stage perfomance I have ever witnessed in my few years in rttp. They played through 15+ songs before getting cut off and each song had a ccostume change and a change of characters on stage. Some of it was semi lame as you would imagine, but most of it was awesome. The cow god was extremely well done and the amazing gene simons costume with huge skull shoes. As the night wore on, they announced they were getting cut 10 songs short so... They did 3 little pigs and then came back for one encore song that I didn't know. All in all worth it.

funny that since this show, the number of people who wished they know about it is staggering.
[Jul 26,2008 11:45am - mattrowe  ""]
seeing green jello and the rev was one of the highlights of my lifetime. for real.

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