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Hive Smasher needs your help!(graphic design notice)

[May 28,2008 10:17am - aaron_michael ""]
So, to start off, we just signed to Vacant Sea Records(http://www.myspace.com/vacantsearecords ) out of Providence RI! They'll be releasing our full length and putting it in stores by mid summer! Check them out!

With this new release over our heads, we're interested in a new logo! This will be used on the cover of our full length and on our merch, so we're taking serious inquiries this time.

Last time we asked, we got this:

it was funny, but this time we're being wicked cereal.
So if you've got some time/talent, and want to be on some widely release items, send any submissions our way, we'll look them over and let you know!


Obviously you'd get full credit for your work.
Any ideas for CD designs would be excellent too!

for the logo, any design that fits our sounds will be taken into consideration!(ie. no Frat house font, or splatter logos)
[May 28,2008 11:05am - xmikex ""]
The new hivesmasher is absurd.
[May 28,2008 11:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Congrats dudes!
[May 28,2008 12:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
ps. we still need a drummer :(
[May 28,2008 1:37pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
nice weiners
[May 28,2008 2:00pm - Ionsphere ""]
sickest layout. ever.
[May 28,2008 2:54pm - joeycobra ""]
nice footlong
[May 28,2008 9:23pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
[May 28,2008 9:25pm - blue ""]
hey, you guys signed to VSR!!!!!! what an awesome idea lulz!
[May 28,2008 9:41pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
Haha, who's idea could that have been?
[May 29,2008 1:29am - tomxnli  ""]

yeah mens, shoop some sick art and logo stuff for these guys if you has the ballz
[May 29,2008 8:22am - GodlessRob ""]
Get ahold of Brandon, bass for Descent/Bane of Existence.
Got to the descent page and check out the art. All of it is him. The cover art, the t-shirts... all him. Plus he just had some of his art put in the newest Metal Church album.
[May 29,2008 9:45am - aaron_michael ""]
thanks man, I'll keep him in mind
[May 29,2008 1:13pm - tomx nli  ""]
[May 29,2008 3:49pm - aaron_michael ""]

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