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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to xmikex.
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[QUOTE="xmikex:776267"]My definitive Celtics Game 6 Bulletin: I started out the day a bit uneasy about the game. It was the day of the finals, I couldn't find any definitive information on Perk as to weather or not he'd be playing. Bill Simmons released an article on tennis instead of talking about the NBA finals. I didn't feel like Boston was prepared for what was coming up that night. And any city that isn't prepared for one of the biggest sports moments in almost 25 years doesn't deserve to win anything. But then the gears started to move. Perkins was at practice, said ESPN. Bill Simmons turns out his best article on the series yet. I'm coming home on the orange line with the cars packed full of green shirts, and a couple of green painted chests. The T stops at North Station (Causeway Street and the garden) and the conductor announces "North Station, change here for the green line... GO CELTICS! BEAT LA!". Fuck yeah. This city is fucking ready. I decided to eat at home instead of at Coops so we got there a little late. Eating at Coops every single game of this series, and part of the conference championships is killing my wallet. I can only imagine how much Frank, who drank so much it would have killed a lesser man brought him back from the dead and killed him again every single game, must have dished out. So Bill comes over, and we head out with Lynchie. Coops is fucking packed. The attendence had been lackluster at times at Coops for this series, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Frank, and Dudeguy had already been there since 7:30, and they said they had just then got a table (after stealing it from a bunch of assholes who didn't look too happy with us). I missed the first few minutes, but the Celtics are up by two. Certain things are very much apparent at this point. The Celtics are not the same slow-start team they were during the 3 games in LA. They're alert, hungry, and locked in. With Perkins on the floor LA can't compete with the Celts on the boards. Rondo is setting himself up for a career game. He already had almost half a dozen steals in the first quarter alone. The Lakers are hanging in there, but its becoming obvious who wants it more. Second quarter comes, and Garnett knocks the flood gates open. 26 points, and 14 rebounds on the night for a guy that everyone said "wasn't clutch." The Celtics dominate the second quarter, out-scoring the Lakers 34-15. This is a time when great teams rally. When great players rise above, and find ways to win. Well a great team did rally, and it wasn't the Lakers. Great players did run away with the game, and none of them were Kobe Bryant. The Celtics stuck a dagger in the Lakers that quarter that they didn't have the heart to pull out. Let me please, for a second, get everything negative I have to say out of the way. If you ever felt sorry for the Los Angeles Lakers, don't. The Lakers are a team of phony fans (yuppies, and out-dated celebrities... Slyvester Stallone? Eddie Murphy? Spike Lee? Am I in 1992?), phony acquisitions (the Pau Gasol trade was a joke, and one of the many reasons the Lakers never would have been in the finals if the NBA, and Jerry West weren't pushing for them), phony spirit (all 3 of the European guys refusing to play physical against a physical Boston team, Ronny Turiaf falling down and no one helping him up, Kobe Bryant bitching out his team mates on the floor, Kobe Bryant ON THE BENCH IN THE FOURTH QUARTER OF GAME 6!), and phony family (I don't think Kobe Bryant is a rapist. Slutty girls are slutty girls and will lie and say anything for money and attention. He still fucked her though. I don't care how many times he hugs his kids on camera he still cheated on his wife and shit on his family). Fuck them. Every time they had a lead they acted like they had won the Olympic gold dancing around and showboating in everyone's faces. The footage of Sasha Vujacic early on in game 4, pumping his arms up and down like the "Another Game for Milosh!" guy on Seinfeld looked awesome in retrospect when the Celtics came back from a 24 point deficeit to win... leaving Vujacic crying on the bench. Fuck them. The rest of the night from the second half on was just a party. Here's some higlights: - The Celts taking every single opportunity to pour it on hitting 3 after 3 after 3 when they're up by 20, and 30+. - The Celtics keeping their composure until a couple minutes left when KG slams Lamar Odom on a hard foul. - Frank finding a guy taking a shit in the bathroom still screaming "NANANANA NANANANAAA HEEYYYYYY GOOOODBYE!" from inside the stall. - Tony Allen (TONY ALLEN?) turning the game into a scene from NBA Jam for a minute with a backwards alleyoop dunk. - Eddie Fucking House being so locked in all night that Rivers couldn't even contemplate putting Sam Cassel in the game. - Ray Ray shrugging off a tough personal situation, and then a finger to the eyeball to make a dramatic return and put up 26 points for the night. - "POSEY FOR THREE.....IT'S GOOD!" All fucking night. - 18 Steals. 18 Fucking steals on the night for the Celtics. - Drunk Frank pulling everyone aside to personally tell them that Red Auerbach's ghost is coming back from the dead to slap Phil Jackson in the face with his dick. Including Brian in Atlanta on the phone. - The Celtics decimating the record for biggest point differential in a clinching game in the NBA finals. - The fact that the Celtics would have pulled off a 40 point margin of victory if they hadn't given up 2 points on a technical foul for Paul Peirce dumping gatorade all over Doc Rivers. - Paul Pierce getting the series MVP and becoming arguably one of the top 40 players in NBA history. That's all I got for right now. BEAT ALLSTON.[/QUOTE]
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