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Who here has Veteran rank or above on metal-archives.com?

[Jun 18,2008 7:35pm - MetalThursday ""]
And would you mind updating just a few things for me, please?
[Jun 18,2008 7:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What stuff?


#9 out of over 30,000.
[Jun 18,2008 11:36pm - MetalThursday ""]
Some stuff for Zircon & one of my other past bands... what's your email address? I'll send you the specifics.

I only have a lousy 129 points on there... that gets me ranked #1,961
[Jun 19,2008 7:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm a double gold plus premium member.
[Jun 22,2008 1:47am - MetalThursday ""]
So is that a no, Dwyer? Anyone else ranked high enough to help me out with a few quick updates?
[Jul 23,2008 8:34am - Samantha ""]
Is anyone with a decent ranking willing to add a band to metal-archives.com for me? My boyfriend's band will be releasing their CD soon, and they're not listed there. Unfortunately, some high school kid from a nearby state created a one-man black metal project under the same name a few months ago. It's some of the most horrible music I've ever heard in my life. He added his crap to metal-archives as well as 10 million other sites, even though he has been informed that there is another band with the same name that was playing shows at least 2 years before he created what sounds like a cat being tortured to death with an industrial strength air conditioner. It's embarrassing to think that someone might confuse this guy's stuff with my boyfriend's band.
[Jul 23,2008 8:39am - Conservationist ""]
geez, no ascap or form se, you're gonna take it in the ass
[Jul 23,2008 8:43am - aril  ""]
can't you just flag them with what needs to be changed?
as far as submitting a band, anyone can really do it, as long as you have legit info (sources will help). like if his CD is out on a label, post a link the label and/or anything else that makes the band legit.
but then again, dwyer is a god on that page so I'm sure he can do anything.
[Jul 23,2008 9:13am - aegathis nli  ""]

MetalThursday said:Some stuff for Zircon........

ya goddamn right, doesnt list me as a previous member :p

[Jul 23,2008 9:52am - pam ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I'm a double gold plus premium member.

[Jul 23,2008 2:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Why would that be a "no"?!
[Jul 23,2008 2:12pm - thuringwethilsnarsnar  ""]
someone's been really good about updating the Hekseri stuff on there. I use it way more than Rockdetector when I look up bands now
[Jul 23,2008 2:20pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm a chaotic good paladin with a +12 berzerker sword.
[Jul 23,2008 2:28pm - aril  ""]
I made it so "CNV" brings up Cold Northern Vengeance. awesome.
[Jul 23,2008 2:48pm - josh_hates_you ""]
wow you need scene points to post on that site? no wonder i never go there.

[Jul 23,2008 2:57pm - aril  ""]
the more people make legit submissions/corrections the more points they earn. i personally like it like that and the fact that they don't want any myspace bedroom 14 year old "blackmetal" bands on the site.
[Jul 23,2008 2:58pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 23,2008 3:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i smell very rank...does that count?
[Jul 23,2008 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
i like this site a lot, i don't subscribe to it or anything, but there is waaaaaay too much crap on it, with so many bands that never released anything that haven't been active for a decade.
[Jul 26,2008 4:03pm - MetalThursday ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Why would that be a "no"?!

I asked for your email so I could send you the info for the updates and you never responded. Seemed like a "no" to me.
[Jul 26,2008 5:56pm - Samantha ""]
Unfortunately, some of those bands that only exist on myspace can slip through the cracks and end up on metal-archives.
[Jul 26,2008 6:03pm - Samantha ""]


[Apr 11,2011 10:05am - arktouros ""]
2.0 is up...i like it. sure it's run by a cabal of dago-moustachioed card-carrying shampoo drinkers but, great needed resource.
[Apr 11,2011 12:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
hmmm, I like some aspects of it but I don't like the band page. i'd prefer everything viewable on one page rather than tabbed out.
[Apr 11,2011 12:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
The old layout was entirely viewable on one page. I don't see a bonus in this redesign.
[Apr 11,2011 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"There are currently 78881 bands"

lol. 75% of which are total garbage.
[Apr 11,2011 12:36pm - timma ""]
[Apr 11,2011 12:37pm - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:"There are currently 78881 bands"

lol. 98% of which are total garbage.

[Apr 11,2011 12:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
do an ultimate fu manchu about it.

[Apr 11,2011 1:14pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:hmmm, I like some aspects of it but I don't like the band page. i'd prefer everything viewable on one page rather than tabbed out.

they are transcending single page viewing.
[Apr 11,2011 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
holy crap... 2.0 actually loads! the old site usually takes me 3 minutes for one page to load.
[Apr 11,2011 1:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
New England Metal Thursday Fest
[Apr 11,2011 1:18pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
someone change the outdated logo and pic for me on the blessed offal page while youre at it. If you dont mind. Ill post the new ones when I get home.
[Apr 11,2011 1:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Metal Archives is madfag
[Apr 11,2011 2:20pm - Bloblovesmusic  ""]

BlessedOffalNLI said:someone change the outdated logo and pic for me on the blessed offal page while youre at it. If you dont mind. Ill post the new ones when I get home.

You got it dude!
[Apr 11,2011 4:00pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Metal Archives is madfag
ya but if someones gonna have a webpage with my name on it Id at least like for it to be accurate.
[Apr 11,2011 4:03pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I gots me veteran now. Woo!
[Apr 11,2011 4:34pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I hate trying to add info to this site(which is all I do there if I've got absolutely nothing to do but an urge to write). They refuse arbitrarily and I think a monkey is pressing big red and green buttons somewhere to decide what does and doesn't get posted up there.

Latest example of MA's incompetency, I did listen-and-types of lyrics for Scaphism. Shit stays in your head for DAYS after, son

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