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July 2nd Dover Brickhouse - The Summoned, Drive-By Bukkake, and more TBA! $5, 21+

Dover Brick House (Dover, NH) - [archaeon][drive_by_bukkake][manifest][the_summoned]
[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jun 19,2008 8:02pm - BrianDBB ""]
Wednesday July 2, 2008
Dover Brick House
2 Orchard St.
Dover, NH 03820

more TBA!
Only $5, 21+

They're looking for another band or 2 to play this! If you're a SWEET band (death, thrash, whatever) that can kinda draw some people, RESPOND! I'll try to get you on this!

Oh and both bands are going on tour, give 'em a good send off!


[Jun 19,2008 8:43pm - archaeon ""]
put archaeon on that shit fo reel
[Jun 20,2008 9:30am - BrianDBB ""]
I'll see what I can do Archaeon! BUMP, any other bands?
[Jun 20,2008 7:51pm - immortal13 ""]
Talk to Hivesmasher or Proteus.
[Jun 21,2008 8:51am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
I'm there!
[Jun 21,2008 11:44am - BrianDBB ""]
Archeon! I sent you a message via Myspace. You guys can play, let me know ASAP if you're still available.
[Jun 21,2008 2:51pm - BlackoutRick ""]
We down.

[Jun 24,2008 10:26am - BrianDBB ""]
BUUUUMP. Sorry Rick I believe we have two bands pretty much confirmed.

This should be FUN. Come on down, buy some sweet wrestling merch off us and lets RAGE ya bastards.
[Jun 26,2008 1:53am - BrianDBB ""]
BUMP! UPDATED LINEUP AND FLYER! Please support this show! It's pretty much a tour kickoff for The Summoned and Drive-By Bukkake! Bands will have CD's and shirts up for sale! GOOOOO!


July 2nd, 2008
2 Orchard St.
Dover, NH 03820

MANIFEST (returns!)
DRIVE-BY BUKKAKE (stomp 'n thrash, going on tour!)
THE SUMMONED (progressive death metal, going on tour!)
ARCHAEON (extreme brutality)

[Jun 26,2008 9:31am - BrianDBB ""]
Bumpage! Tour kickoff for Drive-By and The Summoned! Sweet venue... and cheap drinks!
[Jun 26,2008 9:41am - archaeon ""]
stomp stomp stomp stomp
[Jun 27,2008 9:31am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jun 28,2008 2:32pm - archaeon ""]
apparently that guy who takes pictures is going to be at this.
[Jun 28,2008 2:40pm - Martins ""]
That guy is more faggoty than gay.
[Jun 28,2008 8:33pm - BrianDBB ""]
It'd be SOLID if Rev showed up. We haven't had pics taken in forever! Regardless... this should be pretty decent!
[Jun 29,2008 7:05pm - BrianDBB ""]
[Jun 29,2008 7:08pm - archaeon ""]
we're playing the song with the breakdown
[Jun 29,2008 7:47pm - CMTAIB ""]
get cut my throat as bled on this shit!
[Jun 30,2008 9:40am - BrianDBB ""]
Sorry the lineup's full... if you responded earlier I could have added you but it's too late. BUMP FOR WEDNESDAY!
[Jul 1,2008 9:38am - BrianDBB ""]
Tomorrow night! Come out!
[Jul 1,2008 9:42am - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Jul 2,2008 12:46am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 2,2008 9:37am - BrianDBB ""]
Morning bump! We need to get as many people here as possible! We need $$$ for tour, buy shirts!
[Jul 2,2008 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
I'm so there.
[Jul 2,2008 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
mostly cause I want to play more with a new lens.
[Jul 2,2008 10:45am - archaeon ""]
Make sure to bring some stickers yo
[Jul 2,2008 11:13am - Martins ""]
Come to this.
[Jul 2,2008 11:15am - shoopdeewhoop  ""]
now dat you put it dat way i guess i will!
[Jul 2,2008 11:15am - Martins ""]
Aggressive advertising for the win.
[Jul 2,2008 11:47am - Mattkings  ""]
Ill go if Steve headbangs even slower than usual.
[Jul 2,2008 11:54am - metal_church101 ""]
Bump for the Summoned and Manifest. I can't make it to this because I have to work tonight.

** FAIL **
[Jul 2,2008 12:49pm - archaeon ""]
yo greg immortal13, is there anyway archaeon could use your bass rig tonight if not i guess my singer has to sit with a bass rig on him haha.

If any of the dudes from the summoned on DBB see this send greg this way.
[Jul 2,2008 1:49pm - BrianDBB ""]
I just sent a text to Greg, i'm sure he'll be fine with it.. but he'll probably let you know.
[Jul 2,2008 1:52pm - archaeon @ jacksonz  ""]
i talked to him a few minutes ago.

sick bass slamz
[Jul 2,2008 6:07pm - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 2,2008 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]
archaeon just finished.
[Jul 2,2008 10:35pm - the_reverend ""]
no place was open for food so im at dominos. it's stomach cramping time.
[Jul 2,2008 10:45pm - xanonymousx ""]
true dat.
[Jul 2,2008 11:50pm - the_reverend ""]
the crowd here isn't. I was really happily awaiting saying that manifest hasn't returned, but then they showed as dbb was ending.
[Jul 3,2008 12:43am - archaeon ""]
fuck tolls. that whole trip cost me $4.25 in tolls. feel wicked shitty for the NH folk who have to pay that shit everyday.
[Jul 3,2008 1:18am - the_reverend ""]
I have to pay $1.50 each way to get to work and back home.
I skip the exit 7 toll and get off on 6N.
[Jul 3,2008 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 3,2008 1:39am - Martins ""]
You were on the other side taking pictures of Grant while I was slamming ridiculously hard. Those would have been ridiculous pictures. A fail, I may say, on your part.

How'd the new lens treat you, haha?

Btw, this place rules. Best sound I've encountered at a venue so far.
[Jul 3,2008 9:16am - aaron_michael ""]
John Aubs is a dickface for ignoring my phone calls.
[Jul 3,2008 9:24am - BrianDBB ""]
HAHAHA tits! Good pics! Too bad you couldn't make it up Aaron, the thought was there! This was a fun show, good bands, cheap drinks... sweet venue! Thanks for coming out.
[Jul 3,2008 11:45am - immortal13 ""]
Twas a fun show.
[Jul 3,2008 11:51am - Mattkings  ""]
Good thing you guys are wearing those tour passes. I didn't realize it was drive by without seeing the tour pass lolzz!!!
[Jul 3,2008 12:56pm - BrianDBB ""]
HAHAHA they're huge, like posters hanging from our keychains.
[Jul 3,2008 1:03pm - archaeon ""]

there ain't no mosh like an Archaeon mosh boii

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