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665 Showcase

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Feb 5,2004 12:33am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
665: Almost Evil...Live!

Saturday February 21
Lexington VFW

A Cold Reality
No Allegiance
Dreaded Silence

[Feb 5,2004 6:22am - Sinistas ""]
665 has been around since 1998/99...And finally something to show for it. This will rock.
[Feb 5,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There is an old saying in the McNamara household 'Any Ravage show is a good show'
[Feb 5,2004 12:44pm - Sinistas@work  ""]
Haha, that's awesome Joe. I didn't actually set this show up, otherwise there would have definitely been some NotCommon action...Next time, it's a must.
[Feb 5,2004 3:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
for a second i thought it said mortiis was playing.
now that would have been fantastic
[Feb 6,2004 6:28am - Sinistas ""]
Just added: Devil In The Kitchen
[Feb 6,2004 11:25am - dreadkill@work  ""]
mortiis would have made this show the best ever. he uses his nose in porno movies, according to his website a couple years ago.
[Feb 6,2004 11:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
he also fights taxi cab driver racism with danny glover
[Feb 6,2004 1:20pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
this show keeps getting bigger and bigger
[Feb 6,2004 2:22pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
if anyone wants info on these bands, check out scott's (sinistas, guitar - dreaded silence) site, www.665.org
[Feb 6,2004 2:24pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
sorry, here's the link
[Feb 6,2004 5:16pm - Sinistas@work  ""]

Not sure of a site for Mortiis...er, Mortalis
[Feb 6,2004 6:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
www.ascendancymetal.com might have a link to the official mortiis site, check their guitarist's bio.
[Feb 6,2004 7:32pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Mortiis will play under the pretense of an Ascendancy set.
[Feb 9,2004 1:54pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
[Feb 9,2004 4:46pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
i'm making a flyer for this tomorrow. this is going to be a fun show.
[Feb 9,2004 7:41pm - Sinistas ""]
And basically no breaks between sets...should be interesting
[Feb 10,2004 12:49am - dreadkill ""]
Sinistas said:And basically no breaks between sets...should be interesting

this should make for a night of hilarious hijinks and madcap misadventures.
[Feb 10,2004 1:50am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
thAts A shitty logo of us... lets hope this shit is run better thAN lAst time they're was A show aT this venue
[Feb 10,2004 6:14am - Sinistas ""]
It will be dude, believe me...And Ken will use the new logo
[Feb 10,2004 10:00am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
For the record, i did not make that flyer, that was the one i got in an email from scott
[Feb 10,2004 2:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
that flyer sucks, please take it down and make a new one.
[Feb 10,2004 3:34pm - dreadkill ""]
who made that flyer? i'm making a new one. i'm not spending too much time on it, considering the show is soon, but it should be a pretty decent looking flyer. i am a professional graphic designer, so it will probably look decent.
[Feb 10,2004 3:43pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
i believe that flyer was made by Bassil (from Revengeance and Devil in the Kitchen) but ask scott to make sure
[Feb 10,2004 5:12pm - Sinistas@woik  ""]
Bassil made it.
[Feb 12,2004 10:33pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]

new flyer...made by Ken this time
[Feb 16,2004 11:41am - dreadkill ""]
just bumping this up. hope to see some people coming out to this one.
[Feb 17,2004 8:06am - sinistas ""]
Yeah, people would be cool
[Feb 19,2004 4:23pm - dreadkill ""]
just realized this isn't in the event listings. i'm adding that now. also wanted to remind the reverend that he is on the guest list if he wishes to attend.
[Feb 19,2004 4:29pm - dreadkill ""]
apparently it was in the event listings. being sick must be affecting my brain.
[Feb 19,2004 5:23pm - sinistas ""]
Yeah, it was added.
[Feb 20,2004 5:19pm - sinistas ""]
Bump, goddamnit.
[Feb 21,2004 1:47pm - Justin ACR  ""]
tonight...go dammit
[Feb 21,2004 2:07pm - dreadkill ""]
yeah, go dammit

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