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screamo/grind members needed

[Nov 6,2002 1:16am - napkin  ""]
need a serious drummer and keyboardist for fast, noisey band. practice in north andover. music similar to usurp synapse, jeromes dream, farewell chapter and so on.
[Nov 6,2002 11:44am - babysbreath ""]
sounds cool. wish i had a drumset.. and was serious about drumming. güd lük matey.
[Nov 6,2002 1:51pm - napkin  ""]
we have a drumset at the practice space. im not a drummer so i dont know how good it is, but its there.
[Nov 7,2002 12:09am - still  ""]
come on. someone has to play drums or keyboard. noise noise noise!
[Nov 7,2002 11:42am - babysbreath ""]
Jeromes Dream owns all
[Nov 9,2002 12:50am - noisenoise  ""]
come on. someone?
[Nov 9,2002 12:03pm - xScottx ""]
i can play drums as long as you have a drum machine to make it look like i know what im doing just ask aaron
[Nov 11,2002 10:56am - Chris ""]
hey, i play the drums. check out our bands site, The Failsafe Device. we have mp3s up on the site. tell me if i'm worthy.
[Nov 11,2002 5:46pm - noise  ""]
yea dude, ive heard you guys before. good stuff. you're a good drummer but you live kinda far. we're in northern ma. wish you could play for us though.
[Nov 12,2002 6:13pm - Chris ""]
damn! oh well...

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