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[download] Equilibrium - "Sagas"

[Jun 27,2008 8:44pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
so i was lurking around the usual spot for my music downloads when i spotted this. it had the tag "epic folk/viking metal" so i figured i couldnt go wrong in downloading. i must have listened to the album about 5 times already... and i downloaded it this morning at like 2am.

what a fucking awesome album. a lot of the usual shit that sounds like Ensiferum and Eluveitie... but some stuff reminded me of In Battle and even Nokturnal Mortum (the folkier parts obviously). its hyperspeed folk metal. very bad ass.

http://depositfiles.com/files/6222026 part 1

http://depositfiles.com/files/6222200 part 2

pass: www.mediaportal.ru

dont miss the 16 minute epic "mana" on this. its truly awesome.
[Jun 27,2008 10:31pm - Martins ""]
Ah i've been looking for this. Thank you!
[Jun 28,2008 1:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 28,2008 8:52pm - ArilliusBM ""]
is this over produced like their first album was?
[Jun 28,2008 10:04pm - Martins ""]
If by overproduced you mean epic sounding, I HOPE SO!
[Jun 29,2008 12:20am - ArilliusBM ""]
just took a listen - sounds great although it's not really the style I prefer.
awesome melodies and stuff - great production once again, but a bit cheesy at parts.
my favorite German pagan band is still Menhir; probably always will be.

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