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Is this a male or female?

[Jul 4,2008 10:55pm - archaeon ""]

Totally stumped on this, has a male face with long hair, no tits. But is wearing short shorts and has female style skinny legs.
[Jul 4,2008 10:56pm - archaeon ""]
and look at that hipwork.
[Jul 4,2008 11:13pm - Martins ""]
[Jul 4,2008 11:20pm - austin powers  ""]
thats a man baby

[Jul 4,2008 11:35pm - archaeon ""]
kinda looks like their an adam's apple btu could just be the shading
[Jul 5,2008 12:06pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

archaeon said:[img]

Totally stumped on this, has a male face with long hair, no tits. But is wearing short shorts and has female style skinny legs.

someone needs to photoshop dwyer next to that androgenous P.O.S.
[Jul 5,2008 12:18pm - Dar ""]
omg looks just like me when I was 17
[Jul 5,2008 1:05pm - Grizloch ""]
[Jul 5,2008 3:34pm - zyklon ""]

archaeon said:[img]

Totally stumped on this, has a male face with long hair, no tits. But is wearing short shorts and has female style skinny legs.

Dude what's wrong with you? why are you checking a guy who has female style legs?
[Jul 5,2008 4:18pm - Conservationist ""]
It's an emo Dave Mustaine.
[Jul 5,2008 5:02pm - archaeon ""]

zyklon said:
archaeon said:[img]

Totally stumped on this, has a male face with long hair, no tits. But is wearing short shorts and has female style skinny legs.

Dude what's wrong with you? why are you checking a guy who has female style legs?

because i like guys with female style legs. faggot.
[Jul 5,2008 5:44pm - zyklon ""]
I know you do, its OK if you're attracted to men fag...
[Jul 5,2008 5:50pm - archaeon ""]
I really liked the pictures you sent me last night. got anymore?
[Jul 5,2008 5:51pm - zyklon ""]


Hope you like this dude too
[Jul 6,2008 11:18am - ellesarusrex ""]
wow.. they're really stressing on the fact that their clothing is unisex.

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