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Shai Hulud in Allston Rock City

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jul 7,2008 1:24pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jul 7,2008 3:19pm - Brownonomer ""]
Hmm... I supposed I'll go to this. Maybe late.
[Jul 7,2008 3:26pm - xmikex ""]
FBC..... in allston.................................

I can't say I haven't been praying for a moment like this.
[Jul 7,2008 3:55pm - joeycobra ""]
will be there.

[Jul 7,2008 4:11pm - Mess ""]
horrible band.
kill a cow
[Jul 7,2008 4:36pm - cav nli  ""]
ill be at the Providence date on the 31st. cant wait!
[Jul 7,2008 5:40pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
this is going to rule, i dont know the rest of the bands but the new shai hulud rules.
[Jul 7,2008 7:45pm - luke nli  ""]
this is my birthday and i'm going to burn the city down with ray
[Jul 8,2008 9:02am - aaron_michael ""]
new shai hulud sounds nothing like old shai hulud, but it's still kind of decent.
I may just go to this to watch mike have the time of his life.
[Jul 8,2008 9:05am - RustyPS ""]
$12 for one band isn't worth it, even if it is Shai Hulud.
[Jul 10,2008 11:35pm - xanonymousx ""]

Brownonomer said:Hmm... I supposed I'll go to this. Maybe late.

lets carpool?
[Jul 11,2008 12:04am - chrisabomb ""]
[Jul 11,2008 9:29am - joeycobra ""]
New Shai Hulud is getting even better with each listen.
I don't like Full Blown Chaos....but I'm sure their set will have something entertaining happen.
I listened to that Elysia band...I expected it to be ALOT worse, I hate to say it but they are actually not half bad.
[Jul 11,2008 9:30am - brian_dc ""]
I really don't like the direction Shai Hulud is taking.
[Jul 11,2008 9:31am - brian_dc ""]
sorry Cav, they should have stayed broken up so that the reunion shows they did would have actually meant something.

IIIIII dunno
[Jul 11,2008 9:51am - xmikex ""]
I didn't really care much for the direction Shai Hulud took when they decided to form a band.
[Jul 11,2008 5:12pm - xanonymousx ""]

brian_dc said:I really don't like the direction Shai Hulud is taking.

yeahhhh they are like super hero's now...

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