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Hive Smasher and New Hampshire

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 24,2008 9:25am - aaron_michael ""]
I swear, we're not cancelling any more shows.

[Jul 24,2008 9:43am - RustyPS ""]
When is the Rocko's show?
[Jul 24,2008 9:45am - aaron_michael ""]
August 31st
[Jul 24,2008 9:46am - RustyPS ""]
I might hit that one up then.
[Jul 24,2008 9:53am - aaron_michael ""]
ARGH. I'm retarded. July31st. Manchester.

Coffee hasn't kicked in yet.
[Jul 24,2008 9:55am - RustyPS ""]
Well shit....definitely can't make it... damn

lol..it hasn't kicked in for me either cuz I just noticed that the flyer said it all along...
[Jul 24,2008 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I will be in canada on 8/1. and I wanted to see lions lions.
[Jul 24,2008 10:40am - aaron_michael ""]
whats in canada, eh?
(yes, I could have looked at the events page to see if it's a show you're attending, but I wanted to throw in the "eh?". Big whoop, wanna fiddaboutit?"
[Jul 24,2008 1:28pm - joeycobra ""]
I may or may not be at one of these...depending on gasoline and gal bladder.
[Jul 24,2008 1:59pm - aaron_michael ""]

joeycobra said:I may or may not be at one of these...depending on gasoline and gal bladder.

if it's the saturday show, meet me on SS and I can drive us up.
[Jul 25,2008 8:44am - aaron_michael ""]
The July 31st show is being rescheduled, and I think we're playing with Revocation on August 2nd.
[Jul 27,2008 10:15pm - vomittingcarcass ""]
this is true
[Jul 28,2008 8:00am - thirsty ""]
Saturday Night @ Rocko's Hive Smasher & Revocation plus The Turn , This Oceans Weight , Taxicab Dismemeberment , Soul Remnants , In Human Form , Blackout Frenzy 6pm.
[Jul 29,2008 2:27pm - aaron_michael ""]

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