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How does your band write music?

[Sep 1,2008 9:52am - fleshfries ""]
I know that every band writes music a different way, and I'm curious as to what all of your techniques are....discuss.
[Sep 1,2008 9:55am - Martins ""]
Think of general ideas in my head, tab it in out in Guitar Pro on guitar and bass, give it a midi-listen, play along, add new parts, rinse and repeat. I do this till I'm satisfied. Then I write rudimentary drum parts and present it to the rest of the band and they do their thing. Drummer will embellish and make shit sound badass and then Grant and I will argue about what to palm mute or not. Then bassist hates me for writing ridiculous bass parts.
[Sep 1,2008 11:08am - corpus_colostomy ""]
skeletons get penned out for general structure and symmetry.

i bring full riffs or just bring a few thematic riffs and we jam them on the spot, let things develop naturally, and dial in / woodshed, parts that seem awkward.

the "on the spot" writing method can be frustrating and hectic but it has been yielding some of the most exciting and catchy results. we all know each other pretty well as human beings and as musicians--so we are cognizant of where each dood resonates from, what our tendencies are, and what we are capable of. the on the spot method is cool because it can really capture a moment in time that is hopefully worth developing further and in turn sharing in a live context.
[Sep 1,2008 12:23pm - trampletheweak  ""]
in my band we just bring a few riffs or ideas to practice then jam them out till we find something worth keeping then improve upon it. another thing that works well to is just have the drummer come up with an interesting beat then just play whatever comes to mind. we've gotten alot of cool riffs out of that.
[Sep 1,2008 12:28pm - CMTAIB ""]
the music just comes to us.
[Sep 1,2008 12:35pm - neverpurified ""]
I usually show up with riffs assembled in some sort of a song format, whereas Peter will show up with some riffs, in no particular order or structure usually, and we do some arranging and fine-tuning at the jam space. It all depends though
[Sep 1,2008 9:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 1,2008 9:44pm - zenerik NLI OMFGZ  ""]
Pay someone else.
[Sep 1,2008 10:47pm - Murph ""]









= Dour Cursiva song.
[Sep 1,2008 10:48pm - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 1,2008 11:13pm - eddie ""]
We take a good idea and then ruin it.
[Sep 2,2008 12:06am - archaeon ""]

Martins said: then Grant and I will argue about what to palm mute or not.

[Sep 2,2008 12:13am - blue ""]
writing songs hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah
[Sep 2,2008 12:16am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
You don't write anything in Wigger Slam. All you need are brees and super chuggy breakdowns.
[Sep 2,2008 12:18am - archaeon ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:You don't write anything in Wigger Slam. All you need are brees and super chuggy breakdowns.

[Sep 2,2008 11:00am - orgymf@work  ""]
we (Channel 62) usually start with trying to come up with drum ideas, the (distorted) bass usually follows....
although sometimes we start with lyrics and put drums and a good vocal pattern together....

either way, it's usually drums before bass. (2 man band....drums, distorted bass, and both of us do vocals)

but in general, in most bands i've been in, it's kind of half and half....sometimes a guitarist/bassist will show me some riffs, and we'll build around them, sometimes it starts with creative drumming ideas.
[Sep 2,2008 11:11am - aril  ""]
it takes us months comprehend the next note or chord in each song.
[Sep 2,2008 11:12am - xmikex ""]
God comes to me in a dream every night and says "Mike... rip off Merauder."
[Sep 2,2008 11:30am - ouchdrummer ""]
boarcorpse - Either a guitar/bass/drum part first, then we modify the timing in it so it sounds cool with a beat. We do this for a dozen or so parts then try putting them together to make a song, then work out all the changes/stops.

Ouch-different for every song, but with PI from our cd, we printed the first 200 didgits or PI and then sectioned it off with bracets. IE: brackets around the first three numbers, then around the next 1 number, then brackets around the next four numbers. ets.. then we used those numbers to write parts all the way until the song was 3minutes and 14 seconds. GEEK POWER!

New mathy project - this ones great. We roll a 6 sided Die to see how many dice will dictate the number of beats in a measure. IE. if we get a 5, we will roll 5dice to see how many beats for per measure. Then we roll to see how many groupings are in the measure, then how to accent the groupings is decided by more dice, then snare placement is the next thing we roll for. When the beat is totally decided, my buddy starts writting a bass part to match one of the drum rythyms, then we roll AGAIN to see what interval the harmony should be for guitar/2nd guitar.... We only have one song so far and it only took us two practices. Its so much fun, and you'd never believe how cool some of the beats chaos can create.
[Sep 2,2008 11:39am - orgymf@work  ""]

xmikex said:God comes to me in a dream every night and says "Mike... rip off Merauder."

liar....i know mikes secret.

he stabs people, splatters blood on the wall, paints bars over it and tries to make into tabliture
[Sep 2,2008 1:52pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Breakdowns are zip codes and blast parts are phone numbers. For grooves we use the 4 digit postal code at the end of your zip code, and for every thing else we use credit card numbers. Amateurs.
[Sep 2,2008 2:23pm - narkybark ""]
[Sep 2,2008 2:26pm - narkybark ""]
actually I was gonna mention the credit card thing before, true story
[Sep 2,2008 2:45pm - C.DEaD  ""]
I usually strum a guitar. Notes come out sometimes.
[Sep 2,2008 2:56pm - READ  ""]
Actually my old band was using phone numbers for breakdowns, made it fun.
[Sep 2,2008 2:59pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
To the guy with Guitar Pro in this thread, mind hooking someone up? I can't get it off my old hard drive...stupid new computer has nothing for IDE cables so I can't hook it up, so I'm Guitar Pro and Tabit-less at the moment.
[Sep 2,2008 3:01pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
I probably should've logged in so you could've seen my email or something. It's b e n d u r g i n at g m a i l . c o m

Just tryin' to fight the bots. Probably failed, but oh well.
[Sep 2,2008 3:10pm - narkybark ""]
I am now going to spam you with hermaphrodite piglet porn.
[Sep 2,2008 3:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

READ said:Actually my old band was using phone numbers for breakdowns, made it fun.

Midget Who Stole Gods Map of the Universe?
[Sep 2,2008 3:42pm - Martins ""]

i_am_lazy said:To the guy with Guitar Pro in this thread, mind hooking someone up? I can't get it off my old hard drive...stupid new computer has nothing for IDE cables so I can't hook it up, so I'm Guitar Pro and Tabit-less at the moment.

Just get a torrent client and download it. That's what I did. And unless you're using a Mac, my version won't work for you haha. I actually prefer the windows version of Guitar Pro better. Once I partition my HD and get windows on here, I'll be using that version of Guitar Pro more.

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