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totally awesome cartoon

[Sep 4,2008 10:47am - Josh_Martin ""]
This shit fucking rules


[Sep 4,2008 10:48am - Josh_Martin ""]
Fuck, it doesn't come out well on the blue backgrond of this board.
Oh well, click the link, this is the funniest strip I've read in ages
[Sep 4,2008 10:48am - Josh_Martin ""]
Fuck, it doesn't come out well on the blue backgrond of this board.
Oh well, click the link, this is the funniest strip I've read in ages
[Sep 4,2008 10:49am - Yeti ""]
hahaha wow
[Sep 4,2008 10:52am - ellesarusrex ""]
that was amusing.,thosetwo were def the funniest
[Sep 4,2008 10:53am - scmfck  ""]
wow, that was probably the highlight of my work-day
[Sep 4,2008 10:56am - oscarct ""]
has anyone ever checked out "red meat"?
[Sep 4,2008 10:57am - oscarct ""]
thats awesome "sucks to be poor"
[Sep 4,2008 11:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
that is pretty fuckin funny.
[Sep 4,2008 12:36pm - Kadooganaut  ""]
definitely funny shit. I think it's in Rolling Stone, which is the only good part of that magazine at this point.
[Sep 4,2008 12:37pm - Kadooganaut  ""]
wow even your threads are coming up triple. It must be to make up for all the posts you haven't made lately.
[Sep 4,2008 1:52pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Kadooganaut said:wow even your threads are coming up triple. It must be to make up for all the posts you haven't made lately.

Yeah, I finally got a real job again. Sucks.

[Sep 4,2008 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to fix that on my end. it's on the list of things to fix.
[Sep 4,2008 5:57pm - NuclearWinter ""]
This isn't about Thundercats. I've wasted 20 seconds of my life.

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