Feb 13 2004: Goratory in Albany[views:12593][posts:37]Valentine's (Albany, NY) - [clitorture][deaddeaddeath][drown_retarded_children][goratory][malamor] ______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 3:26am - the_reverend ""] I'm more than 1/2way home! |
__________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 4:34am - succubus ""] d0rk |
__________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 4:35am - succubus ""] oops i forgot the <3 |
______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 4:45am - the_reverend ""] pictures are uploading now. |
__________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 5:05am - succubus ""] my photos are being uploaded to my computer... |
______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 5:13am - the_reverend ""] you mean copied... |
_________________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 5:28am - extremedeath666 ""] Z stands for Sac[img] |
____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 6:00am - BornSoVile ""] Deaddeaddeath - I wish Ascendancy played. I laughed like a school girl when the singer fell off the monitor, twice. Interesting stuff. Drowning Retarded Babies - Wow. Rev, you would make one hell of a play station 2 player on stage! Clit torture - good good stuff. lots of heart. it was cool to see a fight too. Malamor - these dudes impressed me quite a bit. I'd like to see them around here maybe. looking forward to the full length. Goratory - best set I've ever seen them play live. good mix. ny crowd couldn't handle/fathom half of what was going on. though the crowd was somewhat dead for a goratory set, it was good to see them hot stepping on pig fucker, george clinton, and preschool prowler. adam tore it up the most in the pit! ***Attention*** Albany is about 2 and half hours from Boston, that was a welcomed surprise. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 8:16am - AUTOPSY_666 ""] Hey Rev, it's DROWN RETARDED CHILDREN. Thanks for all the cool stickers! John |
_______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 9:25am - DeOdiumMortis ""] [img] Hahahahahahahaha. |
_____________________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 9:57am - theundergroundscene ""] The amount of driving you do makes me feel like a wuss whenever I complain about driving an hour and a half for a show. You're my inspiration Rev. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 11:19am - El Justin ""] Awesome pictures guys, show was real fun last night. |
_________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 1:07pm - dogshit ""] goratory were so good and what an impressive drumset! |
_________________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 1:23pm - extremedeath666 ""] that was the most shitty ass ride home man, didnt goto sleep till 6 in the morning. but thanks for coming out to see us/take pictures, although it was weird to see a crowd were both females and males had the same haircut. |
______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 1:36pm - the_reverend ""] [img] z is for ball-sac |
__________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 2:28pm - goratory ""] thanks for comming out to the show REV. It was really cool to see you and Carina thier. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 10:27pm - the_reverend ""] I got vote #1 person who looked like a dad. thanks to my company giving me that nice white, faux-turtle neck. Any of the bands that want to send me CD for my radio show, click on my name and e-mail or AIM me. deaddeaddeath: a grind band. kind of hectic as I juts walked into their set. Sounded like basic atss's type grind band. I think this is one of their first shows (I've only just started to see the name). They will get better. the singer fell down a lot and all the metalhead found that hilarious. drown retarded children: there was alien clown thing playing playstation 2, Mortal Kombat. Which was pretty convient (read on). they sounded like last days of humaity. That whole sluggy gurgle with samples. There was no drummer. only a CD player that played the drumtrack /samples. the CD player was skipping and not-playing so they hijacked the PS2 and played the tracks in there. clit torture: sounded a lot like dying fetus, riff and breakdown wise. I learned that most people in NY dance like a nu-metal bassist. For some reason they kept grabbing on to my backpack. malamor: very brutal band here. they were pretty damn impressive. lots of metal poses. their bus was so pro too. I guess they have a track on the new CD with frank mullens (suffocation). Sounded killer would out him, can't wait to hear it with him. goratory: the longest set I've ever heard from them. they played for almost 1 hr. that was pretty brutal. it was awesome that all the other bands mostly stayed til the end (ddd I'm looking at you). as always the drumming blew me away... I can't believe who good he is. at one point the mix on the bass went way out and I was like "ARGH!!!". I crossed the stage and back. when I did, sac's mix and playing was flawless for the rest of the show. yeah, this show was awesome and well worth the time I spend driving there. I need to hit more shows in NY to see more bands that I'd never see. Maybe next show, there will be more people at too. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 10:39pm - BornSoVile ""] zack ripping it up on the bass reminded me of 2003-11-15 at the all asia, every time cryptic warning would solo, people would be clapping and screaming their asses off in astounishment while they were in mid song. it's something you hope european fans do alot. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 10:42pm - BornSoVile ""] i mean zach, or sac, or saco. |
___________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 10:44pm - succubus ""] my pics are going to be up soon wooooo |
___________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 11:08pm - succubus ""] click here to see goratory pics... |
___________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 11:14pm - succubus ""] [img] [img] [img] [img] nice rttp sticker! |
_____________________________________ [Feb 14,2004 11:56pm - El Justin ""] Wow, I am finally not alone on the subject of "bro-moshing". I hate all of those kids. |
________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 1:50am - mulch ""] i love the bro moshing it always gives me a good laugh. here i uploaded the malamor song with frank singing ftp://s93556985.onlinehome.us/Malamor-Breeding-Impurity.mp3 |
__________________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 2:25am - TheGreatSpaldino ""] wow... that song RULED!!!!!!!11111 (link was down) |
_______________________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 11:07am - whathappenedtogrind ""] deaddeaddeath looks like a queer daughters rip off, we dont need any more of those, they need to be killed off |
______________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 1:24pm - crowtorture ""] El Justin said:Wow, I am finally not alone on the subject of "bro-moshing". I hate all of those kids. geek. pictures look awesome, thanks for coming out. :doublehorns:http://clitorture.tripod.com :doublehorns: |
_________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 3:50pm - dogshit ""] whathappenedtogrind, what happened to music? why can't people just play music. you would think all of us dudes would have something in common; channeling negative energy into music. i'm sick and fucking tired of being picked on and discriminated against because i am a good looking guy. you piss with the dick you are given. oh and we get the ladies. they want our cocks and not yours. does that piss you off? because i'm going to say it in reply to all of the cheap shots you sloppy fucks give us. eat my shit, james zadubara |
_______________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 4:09pm - CharlesMungus ""] that was deep bro |
_______________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 4:17pm - CharlesMungus ""] what happened to the music? didn't you put the moves on sac, goratory's bassist? jesus h. man, why can't people just play shows wihout getting hit on by other bands' lead singers? I'm sick and fucking tired of going to shows and watching opening bands hit on the headling act. These ain't no sluts, these are musicians...you shit with the dick you are pissing. (ancient proverb) Oh, and you don't think it hurts their feelings... Don't fall off the stage 3 times and then pretend you got laid by one of those 14 year old girls man. smoke some weed, Robert Goulet ps. sorry, 15 |
_________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 4:48pm - dogshit ""] pretend? didn't get laid, don't get laid, didn't claim to get laid. getting the ladies is just my way of saying getting eyes. the bassist of goratory is good, but i wouldn't sleep with him because of it. i like to take the time to get to know a person. this went unnoticed because i'm sure you got a kick out of it... the singer of clitorture made a comment i didn't agree with one bit. "we don't have samples and hot pants". samples are part of drown retarded childrens act, man. the "hot pants" and thanks for noticing... i have no explination for that? or maybe we are in touch if you know what i mean. |
____________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 5:19pm - El Justin ""] 1) I am no geek for not being a fan of kids who come to shows to piss people off, start fights (which they did) and pump up their egos by kung-fu kicking people trying to watch a show. It's cool to dance and support a band you dig, but I don't give a fuck how "tough" you are. Don't be a dick, that's basically the gist of it. It just seems like those kids go to shows for the wrong reasons. I wouldn't really make an issue of it if it hasn't been happening forever. It gets to me, big deal. 2) I really don't get why people look at a band and determine what they sound like, still. Since when was there a standard for "grind"? Oh, that's right, since Daughters got popular this past year. Everything new is a rip-off of Daughters, and everything before that is "the real thing". Give it a rest, seriously. |
_________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 5:47pm - dogshit ""] justin, you are a wise man. |
______________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 6:38pm - crowtorture ""] allright fellas lets just bury the hatchet right now. i called el justin a geek because he posted that same crap on another board crying about what happened at the show. i wont appologize for my friends actions, this kinda stuff happens , there was a time when people went to shows just to get in fights. but get this straight, clitorture had nothing to do with it, my posts were personally sticking up for my friends who came out to a show to represent for us. and i was on stage the whole time, so i don't know which "lead singer" you meant was in the scuffle. cause i never use my jedi powers indoors. and for my hot pants comment, i had a few drinks before we went on and i ran my mouth a bunch about a lots of shit. sorry. i meant no harm really, i thought all the bands were good in thier own way, and drc are my boys so the jokes on you. i sincerely wish no hard feelings with anyone, just wanna keep rockin' and rollin, sorry if anybody got rubbed the wrong way. if you can' take a joke, tough tittie. lot's of love, crow :doublehorns:http://clitorture.tripod.com :doublehorns: |
____________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 7:16pm - anonymous ""] Oh I know it's not your fault, but I think you catch my drift. It's just a pet peeve of mine, but you guys did great. It seems like a bigger deal now than it really is, but my wah-session is done. I still have yet to hear the recorded version of "Flesh Pollution... I was in New Mexico when the cd release show happened. Shit sounded good though. You guys interested in possibly playing April/May in Schenectady with Adolph Satan (ex and current Anal Cunt)? |
____________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 7:16pm - El Justin ""] wopps that above was me |
_______________________________________ [Feb 15,2004 10:47pm - crowtorture ""] crowbillie999@aol.com get at me dog. |
______________________________________ [Feb 13,2010 10:50pm - wesogreNLI ""] 6 YEARS AGO |