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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to contagion.
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[QUOTE="contagion:818812"][QUOTE="Murph:818792"][QUOTE="the_reverend:818780"]he's saying shit that we already know... it's like the dumbest kid in school talking down to you[/QUOTE] He didn't say the one thing that mattered. The TAXPAYERS who are funding this, should it prosper, should be the only ones who benefit (if Wall Street flourishes, we all should flourish). Not just protected, but reimbursed, and if possible, given the money from future profit. Hearing George Bush speak about the securities market on T.V. will most likely make my Swedish (business and economics student) girlfriend dump me, with laughter.[/QUOTE]tax payers will benefit when wall street doesnt crash. i dont know if anyone realizes the consequences if the two biggest mortgage lenders in the US several of the largest investment banks in the world were to crumble but lets just say youd actually have shit to bitch about instead of complaining about tax money you arent going to see anyway getting spent to bail out the US economy. u mad bout gas? anyone notice oil spiked 25$ a barrel because investors started buying commodities instead of securities because of the lack in faith of bonds? who watched the dow drop like 500 points? anyone have a retirement fund thats down almost 25% because mutual funds are in the shitter because some of the largest and usually most sound firms to invest in have lost so much stock value? you think people had a hard time paying mortgages before all this shit imagine how hard it would be if everything crashed and you had to get a loan from your local bank to pay for this shit. you wouldnt get a loan in the first place because the wouldnt be there and if you did the interest rate would be so high you'd never be able to pay it off. then imagine that all the financial crisis caused hedge funders to your moms portfolio manager to dump all securities and start investing in shit that is more liquid (oil, gold, silver, grain) and suddenly gas is 10$ a gallon, home heating oil is worse and food prices hit the ceiling because it costs so much to ship. [/QUOTE]
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