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[QUOTE="douchebag_patrol:819283"][URL]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zladko_Vladcik[/URL] Zladko "Zlad!" Vladcik is a fictional character of the equally fictional nation of Molvanîa. Over time, he has become a kind of Internet phenomenon. [edit] Music Zlad! is a musician from Molvanîa. He became popular as he won the "Molvanian-Polonia Idol" contest in the year 2002 in controverse circumstances. His opponent who has gotten also to the final-round had to opt out of the show due to bad condition of his throat as a result of a member of the jury who wanted to strangle him. Later Zlad! published his mega hit "Juust Az I Amm", which hold on in the "Rhythm & Polka" charts two weeks long. After that he founded the band "Wow!", which he had left during one of the first concerts. [edit] Elektronik Supersonik "Elektronik Supersonik" is itself a kitschy, over-the-top combination of Polock disco and Synthpop. Zlad! is featured in a mullet, bushy moustache, and silver spacesuit. His lyrics are often in spoken word or badly sung, not to mention full of grammatical errors, reversed semantic units, and meta-references to thick Slavic accents. For example the song opens with: "Hey baby, wake up from your asleep. We have arrived onto the future and the whole world is become elektronik, supersonik." It was featured in a recent ad campaign for Mountain Dew MDX. He is supported by a female keyboard-guitarist and background vocalist with pink hair. According to the Molvania website [1], Zlad! was to perform his hit single at the Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul, Turkey, but he was arrested at Atatürk Airport for possessing recreational drugs, and was immediately deported, disqualifying the tiny Eastern European republic of Molvania from the song contest. [edit] I Am The Anti-Pope For the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev, Ukraine, Zlad! was squashed when his entry "I Am The Anti-Pope" was disqualified due to the satanic nature of its content. Zlad! has since defended the song as "a light-hearted ballad recounting the short reign of little-known Beelzebub the First", who apparently was the first Pope to be "crucifixed at the stake". The song was considerably less popular than its predecessor. At the end of the song is a sentence in reverse. When playing back you hear the hidden message: "Kneel before Zladko, the god, I not long live."[/QUOTE]
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