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Looking for bands to play Metal Thursday on 11/6

[Oct 5,2008 6:11am - Samantha ""]
Send me a message if you're interested.
[Oct 5,2008 5:11pm - otto (nli)  ""]
we might be interested. details? were abouts?

[Oct 8,2008 2:11am - Samantha ""]
bump bump bump bump
[Oct 8,2008 8:21am - alexc ""]


we've already played it but would love to do it again.
[Oct 15,2008 11:41am - aril  ""]
so far, there's a chance Herugrim will be on this, I think. Looking forward to playing there.. I've never played Ralph's before.
[Oct 15,2008 11:50am - Czarnobóg ""]
We're interested (especially if Herugrim or Razormaze are playing).

[Oct 15,2008 12:58pm - Seth  ""]
That would be another sick show!!:nuke:
[Oct 16,2008 1:14pm - Question Person  ""]
what's the official line up now? this is 2 weeks away
[Oct 20,2008 3:40pm - aril  ""]
looks like Herugrim can't do this date either, other guitar player can't make it.
[Oct 20,2008 3:41pm - Yeti ""]
i've heard a rumor that Suicide Dream is playing. that would rule.
[Oct 20,2008 3:41pm - Seth  ""]
:skull: This fucken sucks and was looking forward to this!
[Oct 20,2008 3:42pm - aril  ""]
yea seth, me too. hopefully we can get on a MT sometime soon.
[Oct 20,2008 3:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:i've heard a rumor that Suicide Dream is playing. that would rule.


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