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Nailin' Palin

[Oct 7,2008 3:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]
They're (I forget who) making a porn called Nailin' Palin. A Sara Palin look-a-like has been cast for the lead role.
This rules.
That is all.

[Oct 7,2008 3:24pm - moe ""]
its Larry Flynt
judging from the women he staffs at his strip clubs, this should be some high class cinema
[Oct 7,2008 3:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
caint wait
[Oct 7,2008 3:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i will not participate
[Oct 7,2008 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
i hope that she is verbally and physically degraded in an unprecedented myriad of ways. I hope she is choked, slapped, throat-fucked, penetrated with fists, given enemas, pile-driven, urinated upon, vomited upon, and in all instances instructed to drink from glasses the money shots that have been delivered into her rectum.
[Oct 7,2008 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
there was a craigslist add for this.
[Oct 7,2008 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 7,2008 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
doggonity no anal.
[Oct 7,2008 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 7,2008 3:35pm - sacreligion ""]

Yeti said:i hope that she is verbally and physically degraded in an unprecedented myriad of ways. I hope she is choked, slapped, throat-fucked, penetrated with fists, given enemas, pile-driven, urinated upon, vomited upon, and in all instances instructed to drink from glasses the money shots that have been delivered into her rectum.

didn't max hardcore just go to prison?
[Oct 7,2008 3:36pm - Yeti ""]
yes. thats the joke.
[Oct 7,2008 3:36pm - pam ""]
If it doesn't end in full blown bukkake I'll be disappointed.
[Oct 7,2008 3:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish tina fey was cast
[Oct 7,2008 3:38pm - sacreligion ""]
they should have tina fey do voice-overs
[Oct 7,2008 3:39pm - sacreligion ""]
[Oct 9,2008 9:57pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 9,2008 11:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
God, I hope there's some interracial action.
[Oct 10,2008 11:23am - oscarct ""]

Josh_Martin said:They're (I forget who) making a porn called Nailin' Palin. A Sara Palin look-a-like has been cast for the lead role.
This rules.
That is all.

thats awesome
[Oct 10,2008 11:55am - goatcatalyst ""]
They should interrup FEROCIOUS bangings no less than twice for her to tend to her precious, drooling retard baby.
[Oct 10,2008 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
i hope the interruptions consist of her choking, slapping, throat-fucking, penetrating with her fists, giving enemas, pile-driving, urinating upon, vomiting upon, and instructing her drooling retard baby to drink from glasses the money shots that have been delivered into her rectum.

[Oct 13,2008 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe this is a promo shot from it.
[Oct 13,2008 3:27pm - yummy ""]
it should be way bigger tho
[Oct 13,2008 3:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Ends with a 3-way between Palin, Hillary, and Condoleeza
[Oct 13,2008 3:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
Sarah Palin is going to the ralley at Salem High School...
I may have to check that one out.
[Oct 14,2008 2:53am - the_reverend ""]

terrible... the girl looks nothing like her
[Oct 24,2008 11:04pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 24,2008 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
fake. that bitch doesn't support pulling out.
[Oct 25,2008 9:17am - xanonymousx ""]
knock knock,
who's there?
sherwood who
sure would like you to suck on our cocks...
sure get naked....
you look german lulz

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