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Oct 12 (Sun) - Nocturnum's CD release party!!!! w/ Summoning Hate, Shroud of Bereavement, & Morgirion - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

10/12 @ Ralph's Diner - Nocturnum, Summoning Hate, Shroud of Bereavement, Morgirion

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 8,2008 1:52am - Samantha ""]
[Oct 9,2008 7:33am - MetalThursday ""]
Shroud dropped, more bands will be added however...
[Oct 9,2008 2:29pm - Beleth ""]

MetalThursday said:Shroud dropped, more bands will be added however...

I'm pretty bummed to hear shroud dropped off. I'm looking forward to actually kill beers during our set for once!
[Oct 10,2008 12:32am - MetalThursday ""]
Yeah I was hoping to see the new lineup in action, sucks...

there will be many beers killed at this show
[Oct 10,2008 12:27pm - Seth  ""]
[Oct 12,2008 12:52pm - MetalThursday ""]

Seth said:Ipsissimus:satancross:

I wishimus

There is pretty much an open invitation for up to two more bands to come down and play tonight.
[Oct 12,2008 12:53pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Oct 12,2008 4:20pm - Beleth ""]
be there!
[Oct 12,2008 6:53pm - J. Mortiz  ""]
I'll be there, leaving in a few!!

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