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[Oct 16,2008 11:46am - SUFFERINGBASTARD ""]

Sun 19 - Philadelphia

Adventure Island
3217 Collins St.

Suffering Bastard
White Mice
Sanguine Piss
Cock E.S.P.
New Bastard
Sauce Party

Cock E.S.P.'s first Philadelphia show in 6 years!
Rexor's first Philadelphia show in 9 years!
White Mice's first Philadelphia show the week of 10/19/08!


Mon 20 - Newark

The Seed Gallery
239 Washington St.

Suffering Bastard
Sanguine Piss
Cock E.S.P.
Sauce Party
Panther Modern


Tue 21 - Providence


Suffering Bastard
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck
Sanguine Piss
Cock E.S.P. + Rexor collab
Crank Sturgeon
Pop Culture Rape Victim
Shallow Waters

Cock E.S.P.'s first ever GOOD show in Providence!
No matter how badly we failed in our two previous efforts to perform in
the Hope State, we promise to deliver the goods this time around. Our
three-point plan includes: 1. Not touring with annoying junkies; 2.
Waiting until after the show to get food poisoning; and 3. A special
super-powerful five-piece line-up including Rexor.


Wed 22 - Boston

The Butcher Shop
24 Armington St.

Suffering Bastard
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck
Sanguine Piss
Cock E.S.P.
Sauce Party + Child Bride collaboration


Thu 23 - Amherst, Mass

Hampshire College
SAGA Dining Commons
893 West St, Amherst MA 01002

Suffering Bastard
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck
White Mice
Sanguine Piss
Cock E.S.P.
Sauce Party



Friday, October 24, 2008

Death by Audio
49 S 2nd St. (Btwn Wythe & Kent), Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Featuring: Cock E.S.P., White Mice, Suffering Bastard, Laundryroom
Squelchers, Future Blondes, Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck, Sanguine Piss, Tusco
Terror, Radio Shock, U Can Unlearn Guitar, WRONG.

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Freenoise.org website and the
15th anniversary of Cock E.S.P., while providing an exciting alternative
to the CMJ hype machine by presenting a line-up of excessively
non-commercial underground noise.



A web portal and part-time label started in 1998 by John Vance (Rexor,
WRONG) and Emil Hagstrom (Cock E.S.P., WRONG). The site has hosted
pages for a variety of Vance and Hagstrom projects -- bands, labels, film
-- as well as those of close friends and collaborators. The current
roster includes Cock E.S.P., SunShip Records, E.F. Tapes, WRONG, Smell &
Quim, Panelectric Living Sinema and Unconditional Loathing. Former
hostees include Richard Saenz, the Flying Luttenbachers, Thumb, Freedom
From and Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers.


Cock E.S.P. (absurdist noise; Minneapolis)
http://www.cockesp.com http://www.myspace.com/cockesp

"Somewhere between repellent, hilarious and just plain ridiculously
stupid." - San Francisco Bay Guardian

"Is this guerrilla performance art? Am I on a hidden-camera TV show? Am
I just stupid for not 'getting it'? Are you fucking kidding me? These
are all normal reactions and seemingly a part of the grand concept that
the E.S.P.-ers have been pimping for a decade." - Cincinnati CityBeat

"Minneapolis' Cock E.S.P. sound a bit like Radiohead - if Radiohead
played an amplified cement mixer and forced Thom Yorke to shriek
indecipherable obscenities in a donkey outfit while attacking his bandmates." -
Nashville Scene


White Mice (noise-rock; Providence)
http://thewhitemice.com http://www.myspace.com/whitemice

Part of their "Grater than Cheesus" Year of the Rat Tour II -- click on
the MySpace link above for complete tour dates...

"White Mice succeed where so many other performance based, noise
oriented artists fail: the actually have great SONGS to back up their
performances (and great performances they are, blood spattered mice costumes
and all). Who knew a song about cheese could be so brutal?...At their
best, White Mice spin cohesive nightmares like no one else." -
(Skyscraper #28, Summer 2008)

"As a trio composed of bass guitar, drums, and digital oscillation
mechanics, you might be lulled into a false sense of security. But do not
be fooled; they are extremely loud and abrasive, easily more extreme
than some of their more well-known contemporaries in the hardcore, rock,
and noise genres respectively. Easily. In short, words alone are
inadequete in describing how much this band kicks ass over many other bands.
Boasting a high-octane and often-discussed live show, ...it would be an
absolute shame if you did not check these guys out. You won't be
disappointed." - (Musicfortherestofus.com)

"White Mice's 'Excreamantraintraveinanus' is like being dropped
headfirst into a cement mixer full of decaying meat. As a drums/bass/noise/
celebration of all things lowbrow and gleefully guttural, White Mice
flatten you against the wall with a pummeling, distorted onslaught of
obnoxious filth,...a delightfully bestial beating.... - (Terrorizer #166)

"Brutal and way over the top, White Mice stay consistent every step of
the way. Far more than I had expected, Excreamantraintraveinanus is an
enthrallingly grotesque album of head-fuckery. " - (Brainwashed.com)


Suffering Bastard (goregrind; Providence)

Brutal gore-laced grind ensemble whose heavy guitar-free assault
achieves the highest degree of evilness possible. Described by one reviewer
as "smarter than they seem" the band presents audiences with one of the
few occasions the "devil horns" can be legitimately flashed without
irony or misunderstanding.


Laundryroom Squelchers (noise; Miami)

Founded in 1994 by Miami music stalwart Rat Bastard from the ashes of
his previous band Scraping Teeth, voted "Worst Band in America" by Spin
Magazine -- before any of their editors had heard the Squelchers.


Future Blondes (electronica; Houston/San Francisco)

Featuring members of Rusted Shut, Helios Creed, Indian Jewelry, and A
Pink Cloud -- and described as having "...a good deal of this beginning,
middle and endlessness..." by one reviewer -- the group's
hurricane-forced relocation to the Bay Area only adds fire to their angry,
distorted dance music. Former Artist of the Year nominee at the Houston Press
Music Awards.


Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck (power-electronics; Boston)
http://www.twodeadsluts.com http://www.myspace.com/tdsogf

Conceived as a naked 15-piece teenage grindcore band in 1999, their
debut live performance ended with the group being escorted to the city
limits of Manchester NH by police -- who handed the group a court order
instructing them to never return -- the 'sluts have since been shaved
down to a pair of naked feedback-manipulators and screaming provocateurs
fueled by acute alcohol intoxication and an intense hatred of all
non-Boston sports teams. For this special night, however, they promise to be
good, keep their clothes on, and show all due respect to anyone
wearing a Jets jersey or Yankees cap.


Sanguine Piss (noise; Philadelphia)

Born from an Antler Piss/Sanguine Vessel collaboration, Sanguine Piss
is a harsh noise trio from Philadelphia, PA. Consciously apathetic to
press, hype and record sales, the group has only one agenda - steep
the audience in their "vulgar mess of enormous sounds that rupture the
room." An auditory nightmare from the City of Brotherly Love's
discarded sons.


Tusco Terror (post-noise; Cleveland)

"Imagine for a moment growing up in a small town in Ohio where one in
ten of the townspeople worship an ancient corpse of a tentacled humanoid
thing with two sex organs. Try and wrap you head around the idea of a
town with a vocational school where Coffin Making, and Meat Processing
are the most popular fields of study. Tusco Terror is making the sound
of growing up in a small town in Ohio. A town where everything looks
fine on the outside, but, when the skin is pulled off, there is only
wrongness and a total TERROR." - Mark Tidrick, the Times Distorter

"The sound of reckless confrontation, living room shambles, chaotic
slipstreams and glorious friendship noise crackled from one brain stem to
another." - Ecstatic Peace

"There was a small, dedicated group directly in front of the band,
transfixed by the sound of jet engines. There was another small group who
didn't care to hear the sounds of Hopkins Airport, and were dedicated to
covering their ears. As a funny aside, when I ran into a friend of
mine during Chum's set, I asked him if he heard that first band, who
sounded like airplanes landing, and he said, 'Yes, that's why I was
downstairs at the B-Side Lounge getting a drink.'" - I Rock Cleveland

"Before you start thinking “Oh jeez, yet another bout of my ears and
brain having to wrestle with pulverising chaos and undifferentiated
noise lacking in any originality”, let me just reassure you that that is
far from the case here. While the ingredients certainly do include the
aforementioned mashings and mutilations, it also includes a broader
palette of experimentalism and creativity, bringing in a wide range of
other techniques and styles that inevitably helps it to appeal to a wider
constituency than just the kind of person who likes listening to
material that sounds like it's the safest way to come close to experiencing
the effects of having a stroke or being lobotomised without actually
undergoing either." - Heathen Harvest


Radio Shock (dance; Brooklyn)
http://radioshock.org http://www.myspace.com/radi0sh0ck

Radio Shock is a one-man band -- hailing from Brooklyn but famously
known to be "always on tour" -- which will make you want to get up and
dance while trying to trip you up at the same time.

Douglasleader.com: Describe Radio Shock to me using 5 nouns one of
which is contained in a prepositional phrase.

Radio Shock: Dissonance. Motion. Entertainment. Beat. Noise for


U Can Unlearn Guitar (singer/songwriter; Chicago)
http://unlearny.com http://www.myspace.com/ucanunlearnguitar

While this ex-New Yorker's recordings use an acoustic guitar and a
velvety voice as tools to unlock the lighter side of drug abuse and
clinical depression, UCUG live performances often take a highly conceptual
approach, sometimes resulting in the destruction of multiple guitars.


WRONG (free-improv; Minneapolis)
http://freenoise.org/wrong http://www.myspace.com/wrongbandofficial

Founded by John Vance and Emil Hagstrom in 1994, WRONG is a free-improv
ensemble incorporating rock, jazz and avant-garde influences and using
an ever-changing line-up of musicians and instrumentation. After the
group's first live performance in 1994, Courtney Love -- who was
present as her band Hole was playing the arena next door -- threatened to
beat up John Vance. WRONG has since gone on to perform on bills with such
artists as Sonic Youth, Dead C, Borbetomagus, Rifle Sport, Flying
Luttenbachers, Babes in Toyland, Shadow Ring, Nihilist Spasm Band, John S.
Hall, Grant Hart (Hüsker Dü), Loren Mazzacane-Connors and Growing.

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