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Hoser is the unfunniest human being on the planet.

[Oct 26,2008 5:05pm - Lamp ""]
[Oct 26,2008 6:21pm - the_reverend ""]
it's 55/45
[Oct 26,2008 7:00pm - Martins ""]
I keep misreading the thread title as "Here is the unfunniest human being on the planet." and I open it expecting it to see a picture of Dane Cook but it never is.
[Oct 26,2008 7:04pm - Sacreligion ""]
it should be a picture of jon lajoie
[Oct 26,2008 7:04pm - Martins ""]
Dane Cook > Jon LaJoie in unfunniness.
[Oct 26,2008 7:11pm - Hoser ""]
You guys smell like farts.
[Oct 26,2008 7:20pm - Lamp ""]
I could have told you that, I haven't showered today.
[Oct 26,2008 7:49pm - Hoser ""]
Why does this group cast me away?
[Oct 26,2008 9:08pm - Conservationist ""]
Not enough anal love

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