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awesome Gene Simmons story "You owe me $18"

[Oct 29,2008 12:08pm - Josh_Martin ""]
by Ted Poley

In 1992, Danger Danger was very hot on the MTV video countdown, a fact that helped land us the opening slot on the UK leg of Kiss' Revenge Tour. The very first night, we'd put on a kick-ass, over-the-top show, during which I'd even tossed 3 towels out into the crowd! Immediately after our performance, I ran offstage in my arena-playing, hyper-psyched state of mind, not quite looking where I was going. Let's face it, it didn't really matter because I had just opened for Kiss!

The next thing I knew, my head was bumping into something hard yet slightly fuzzy. I looked up to find Gene Simmons grinning back at me from above! As it turns out, I had just smashed face-first into his lower chest area, which tells you just how tall the guy is (or how short I am, if you prefer).

Upon looking down, Gene's first words to me were, "That was a really great show. You owe me $18."

Gene is a nice guy but he can be very intimidating and he loves to scare people. I wasn't quite sure what to say to him in response, so I said nothing at all. Gene must have noticed the puzzled look on my face because he repeated himself.

"You owe me $18."

He then continued, "You tossed out 3 towels. Those towels cost $6 each. Those were my towels and I want you to pay for them. Personally. Not your tour manager. You."

I was in shock.

I felt ashamed.

One of my gods was punishing me!

Gene waited in that very spot until I went into my wallet, pulled out my last $20 (my only $20) and paid him for the towels. While pocketing my per diem food money, he smiled at me and said, "Feel free to keep tossing out as many towels as you can afford to pay for yourself."
[Oct 29,2008 12:18pm - rbss  ""]
[Oct 29,2008 12:27pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, he is a Jew.
[Oct 29,2008 12:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
jew reference by the third post.

well done, rttp.
[Oct 29,2008 12:32pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I do my best.
[Oct 29,2008 12:40pm - rbss  ""]
my post was a jew reference
[Oct 29,2008 3:09pm - Josh_Martin ""]

rbss said:my post was a jew reference

Shit, so was mine. Anything to do with Gene is a jew reference. I thought that went without saying.
[Oct 29,2008 3:14pm - xmikex ""]
You better watch out
I own a bank machine
You only took out 10
I'll charge you for 19
You betta watch ouuuut
[Oct 29,2008 3:17pm - Conservationist ""]
I always liked the Resurrection cover of "War Machine."
[Oct 29,2008 3:17pm - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:
rbss said:my post was a jew reference

Shit, so was mine. Anything to do with Gene is a jew reference. I thought that went without saying.

Why is it important that he's Jewish?

[Oct 29,2008 3:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:
Josh_Martin said:
rbss said:my post was a jew reference

Shit, so was mine. Anything to do with Gene is a jew reference. I thought that went without saying.

Why is it important that he's Jewish?

Its not important, its really really funny.
I love it when people live up to their stereotypes.
[Oct 29,2008 3:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]

xmikex said:You better watch out
I own a bank machine
You only took out 10
I'll charge you for 19
You betta watch ouuuut

You better watch out,
I own a bank machine
You better watch out,
I'm a jew named Gene

[Oct 29,2008 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 29,2008 3:55pm - Josh_Martin ""]
We'll sell you everything we've got,
and baby baby, that's quite a lot
You buy our crap, we'll take your money

you keep on shouting, you keep on shouting,

Gene, is a great big fucking kike,
and Paul Stanley is gay
[Oct 29,2008 3:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Pick 'em up,
Pick 'em up
[Oct 29,2008 3:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I stole your wallet,
Stole your wallet,
Ain't never gonna let it go
[Oct 29,2008 5:39pm - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:I love it when people live up to their stereotypes.


Like a Mexican who is really lazy, or a lawyer who cheats on his change at the c-store, or women who vote for Prohibition?

[Oct 29,2008 6:51pm - grizloch ""]
I don't think anyone can not like Gene Simmons, it's less his stereotype for me and more his unabashed douchebagness, he truly is a man among men
[Oct 29,2008 7:23pm - I$raeli fink  ""]
I'll never forget the Ronnie james Dio interview when they asked him how he came up with the devil horns hand gesture and he said something like "well gene simmons will tell you he invented it but he also invented things like shoes and breathing"
[Oct 29,2008 7:30pm - Seth  ""]
Hey why not punish the dude for throwing out towels... especially if the band is danger danger!!!:doublehorns:
[Oct 29,2008 7:34pm - Lamp ""]

Conservationist said:Like a Mexican who is really lazy

That's a stereotype? My company is half Americans, half Mexicans, and I'd say the Mexican guys are all the seasoned vet pro hard workers for the most part.

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