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ATTN: People who like really really fast shit

[Nov 12,2008 10:12pm - Lamp ""]
Check out this band, they blast quite quickly and are awesome.
[Nov 12,2008 10:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Fucking rad.
[Nov 12,2008 10:52pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Nov 12,2008 10:59pm - Dankill  ""]
Idaho has done something right.
[Nov 12,2008 11:00pm - archaeon ""]
Yeah this is sweet
[Nov 13,2008 12:32am - tylor  ""]
they should put out a 1"
[Nov 13,2008 12:48pm - Lamp ""]

Dankill said:Idaho has done something right.

For the first time since Septic Death.
[Nov 13,2008 1:02pm - brian_dc ""]
This is enjoyable.
[Nov 13,2008 1:56pm - ouchdrummer ""]
can anyone post this on rapid, or any other that is NOT myspace? I can't do myspace.
[Nov 13,2008 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
i like to shit really really fast.
[Nov 13,2008 8:02pm - druizard nyl  ""]
[Nov 14,2008 8:24am - ouchdrummer ""]
yes, cause cars are really fast too...
[Jul 30,2009 9:14pm - Lamp ""]
Felt like topping this thread just because someone sent me the new LP and good god it's just great.
[Jul 30,2009 11:11pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
sent you like... in the mail... or like.. something i could get sent.. online?
[Jul 31,2009 6:17am - Lamp ""]
Sent it to me in a zip file.

(check the blog in the thread "a blog for powerviolence", it's on the first page)

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