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new UNHOLY GOATFUCKER songs up!!

[Dec 17,2008 12:42pm - Czarnobóg ""]
Unholy Goatfucker unleashes three new songs of thrashing black metal cacophony ("The Hangman Awakens" + "Oaken Gallows, Shroud of Snow" + "Heart of the North") for your aural irritation:


Recorded by AlexC (Hell House Studios) in Sept. '08; mixed by Nâdelřs Kompresjonsisbre Kyrgylks (Topphemmelig Ultra-Grimness Studioer) between Nov/Dec '08.

Horns up, crosses down!

(p.s. labels get in touch!)
[Dec 17,2008 1:47pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Horns up, crosses down, while you motherfuckers mosh to this!
[Dec 17,2008 2:02pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hahaha, excellent Snoop reference.

Rollin' down the street worshippin' Satan, sippin' on goat's blood...
[Dec 17,2008 2:48pm - DogbiteDaveHumphreys ""]
Straight outta Hades a crazy mothafucka named SATAN, I pimp slap Jesus cause he is my BITCH, man
[Dec 17,2008 2:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
haven't listened yet (at work) but will soon.
I've sent this link to my friend's label.

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