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Best show ever: April 3rd

[Feb 29,2004 10:40am - theundergroundscene ""]
Norma Jean, Dead Poetic, Underoath, Haste The Day annnnnnnd BELOVED!!! Ok so it's not the best show ever but I have been dying to see Beloved for so long and they haven't played up here in a long time so this show is going to ROCK. It's at the ICC Church in Allston. Word.
[Feb 29,2004 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I like norma jean... but dead poetic is so weak.
[Feb 29,2004 3:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
sometime before I die, I want to see a ICC Church show in action.
[Feb 29,2004 3:12pm - Phantos ""]
that and the Unearthly Trance, Dying Light, Noosebomb, Hirudinea and Conifer show at the Chopping Block...
[Feb 29,2004 3:24pm - JellyFish ""]
sounds like the 'best show ever.'
[Feb 29,2004 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
what time does the ICC show start/end?
I might go to the ICC for a little while first and then head over to the Chopping block.
the chopping block is the show that I really want to see...
but it would be nice to see a couple bands here first.
and the chopping block always starts at like 9 or so.
[Feb 29,2004 4:10pm - theundergroundscene ""]
The ICC shows starts at 5
[Feb 29,2004 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
excellent! looks like I can see most of the ICC show,
then jump out the window and hit the whole Chopping block show.

[Feb 29,2004 4:47pm - succubus ""]
I guess i;ll wait at the bar until it's time for the chopping block...1 show a day limit for me from now on

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