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hey i want to start a fucking hardcore band

[Nov 28,2002 5:06pm - xxtragedyxx  ""]
yea so if anyone wants to be in a hardcore metal/fun/evil/sick as all hell, respond
[Nov 29,2002 4:45pm - dude guy  ""]
dude ill be in a sick band man ..im from mass
[Nov 29,2002 8:18pm - xxtragedyxx  ""]
yea what do u play? if u have AIM im me on liltlejimmyurine, or i lovepain spank.......get in touchm we need a hardcore band:satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Nov 30,2002 7:57pm - dude guy  ""]
i sing and i play guitar,my im is jtoti007
[Dec 2,2002 4:45am - xScottx ""]
yeah let me know my nicks are posted on the site im a singer so i dont know what everyone else is but whatever fuck em all
[Dec 2,2002 8:19am - xxtragedyxx  ""]
hey yea thanks i think what we need is a drummer really badley.......... and a bassist but idk keep in touch:satancross::satancross::satancross:

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