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bad economy...think you have it bad?

[Mar 4,2004 9:43am - succubus ""]
everyone whines about bad economy...

my work didn't give us a raise 2 yrs ago and then last year they said they didn't hae the money but gave us all 3% and this year , who knows

but they whine about having no money...whereas when i first started worknig here, there were bonuses and parties all the time...personally...i'd rather the company give me $$ than throw a party with an open bar

anyhow, i don't usually go out with work people but last night they convinced me because i worked so hard and they have been expected (demanding) that we work long days and do overtime without pay...

so they convinced me to go out to a nice restaurant...only they made us go in the bar area where it was drink to your heart's content. people were drinknig and drinknig and ordering appetizers like there was no tomorrow...a bunch of consultants were there and you could tell my company was spoiling them because they were mostly the ones ordering food. anyhow...i left around 9, one of the first to leave..and then today...one of my co workers waltzed in a few minutes ago...the only guy in my group, so he can do whatever he wants...anyhow...

apparently they closed the place..but were not done drinking...so they went to a bar afterwards..until they were kicked out of there...

hmmm i'm betting it cost the company $5000 if not more...

i'm not kidding...

like i said, i don't usually go...but they do this a couple times a month...
i'm gonna laugh...but it pisses me off...

they couldn't they give us a bit of $ my group is small...and only half of us go to these outings...
[Mar 4,2004 9:59am - Falcifer ""]
I hear you, and actually quit doing what I went to school for over the "politics" of the office. One place I worked at actually said we will not be giving out any x-mas bonuses or have an office party due to the fact that we moved into a new office at a new address and that cost the company too much money this year. Now hows that for a kick in the balls.
[Mar 4,2004 10:15am - succubus ""]
yeah, it's really frutrating...i just hate the arrogance they have, that they expect crap from us, but we have no right to expect anything in return.

i'm definitely not happy here anymore
i know there are still companies/groups that treat their employees better and listen to what they want..
[Mar 4,2004 10:28am - Falcifer ""]
The problem is that these companies want you to think that they are doing you a favor buy letting you work for them, that you owe them for the privilege of busting your ass for their new BMW. Fuck that and fuck them.

The whippings will continue until moral improves.
[Mar 4,2004 11:05am - Josh_hates_you ""]
wah you work in an office and nobody loves you. some of us work in freezing cold trucks at nite for little pay picking up thousands of shitty boxes. how i would love to jerk off to internet porn in a nice little cubicle on someone elses dime.
[Mar 4,2004 11:09am - succubus ""]
hey, if you WANT to work in an office..why don't you then?

i work in an office and yes i'm underpaid i work 10 hour days without a lunch and sometimes on saturday too, that doesn't change my paycheck.

but what i'm complaining about though, is seeing that the company is WASTING money when they could be giving it to us...they waste it on parties and booze...i'm just saying, give me the damn money and i'll buy my booze or whatever i want...instead of bimonthly $10,000 lame ass parties with drunk idiots
[Mar 4,2004 11:11am - Falcifer ""]
I knew this would happen. Wah is right, but I did something about it. I left the office job and now work construction... and for the past year have had to work in the freezing cold and nasty heat. Taking a shit in a porta-john when its 3 or 103 degrees outside isn't the best but I'll tell you this I fucking love it. My point was you don't like what your doing then leave these companies don't have a hold on you. You have a choice.
[Mar 4,2004 11:23am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but atleastyou make more than most people your age.

I have the same issues.
no raises and no promotions for 3 years now. before that, I'd get 20K in bonuses in 1 year. I would have been one of the fastest people ever promoted to SEIII, but since the economy went south... I'm stuck at SEII level.
that's the facts of this economy...
[Mar 4,2004 11:28am - succubus ""]
but at least they respect you and you still get things
granted you're an engineer and i'm not...
[Mar 4,2004 11:39am - sitroMmuidOeD ""]
I'm going to start a company. There will be no actual work and no one will get paid anything, but I'll treat people so great that no one will ever want to leave.
[Mar 4,2004 11:44am - Beakey ""]
sitroMmuidOeD said:I'm going to start a company. There will be no actual work and no one will get paid anything, but I'll treat people so great that no one will ever want to leave.

Top ten funniest things I've ever heard before.

[Mar 4,2004 12:35pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
arent crack houses kind of like that?
[Mar 4,2004 2:55pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
well, he does have a thing for crack...
[Mar 4,2004 4:50pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm unemployed in a week :(
[Mar 4,2004 5:50pm - morkul ""]
the economy is shit right now. i don't care what people say about it rebounding. where? where is it rebounding.?
[Mar 5,2004 1:08am - Josh_hates_you ""]
VOTE anyone but bush 2004! then maybe we will see this "rebound"
[Mar 5,2004 3:46am - Kalopsia ""]
Josh_hates_you said:VOTE anyone but bush 2004! then maybe we will see this "rebound"

i second that motion
[Mar 5,2004 5:59am - the_reverend ""]
omg.. I just got my "raise" it's pathetic.. absolutelyy crap shit fucking crap.
it actually cause my check to go down $2.

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