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Japanese metal lyrics don't translate well.

[Jan 26,2009 5:13am - Samantha ""]


See the lyrics on the YouTube page. LOL!
[Jan 26,2009 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
japanese band names usually don't make sense either.
I like some Japanese album titles too. probably some of the better japanese translated titles/lyrics is from the death metal band Defiled. Which I hope to see live soon.
[Jan 26,2009 10:56am - brian_dc ""]
prison ain't shit
[Jan 26,2009 12:26pm - xmikex ""]
Poetic Assassin - Inverti in Darkness

After a few requests I give you the lyrics as best as I remember...

Too much blood-in my bathroom-too much blood-in my room-too much blood-too much blood-

I kiss the bloody chainsaw-I kiss the bloody axe-too much blood-too much blood...
(thanks bobbyconover for the good ear)

Sombody whisper in my ear

I washy my hands-over and a over-over and a over- I washy my hands-over and a over over and a ober-

I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm-a-innocent- I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocent

I was a very ordinary guy-I just a ordinary human being-

I killed him-I I-a-I-Kilt him-I washy my hands-over and a over-Oba and a oba-

I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocnet-I yi yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocent-

Too much blood! Too much Blood! Too much blood! Too much blood!


Prison aint shit-I never saw anything-prison aint shit-prison aint shit-he was an empty-empty soul-prison aint shit-prison aint shit

She said the moment she was born-always-prison aint shit

Something didnt fit-prison aint shit

Tell your brother nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing-prison aint shit-I washy my hand-ober and a ober-

Too much blood in my batharoom-too much blaaaaaaaaaad!

Please help me-help me from my... hole

Please help me-please take my hand-I wahsy my hand ober and a ober-I'm fucking innocent-I'm fucking innocent!
[Jan 26,2009 1:13pm - karmaa-enema  ""]
that is fucking GREAT!
I washy i washy oba and oba!!
[Jan 26,2009 2:13pm - ..........  ""]
broken engrish and bad translation rules.

karma-enema is a faggot who fucks little boys though.
[Jan 26,2009 2:18pm - sacreligion ""]

Sometimes the lucky dog has karaoke on mondays and a full-on japanese guy tried to sing rhianna's "umbrella" about a month ago... 'under my umblerra-erra-erra-ay-ay-ay'

in all seriousness, though, this is worse than dewey cox's version of "that's amore"

[Jan 26,2009 2:19pm - tylor ""]
[Jan 26,2009 2:37pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jan 26,2009 2:37pm - sacreligion ""]


[Jan 26,2009 3:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Jan 26,2009 3:43pm - xmikex ""]
the best part is the japanese chick in the background who is obviously pissed off that her boyfriend wants to be the japanese Phil Anselmo.
[Jan 26,2009 4:25pm - karmaa-enema  ""]

.......... said:broken engrish and bad translation rules.

karma-enema is a faggot who fucks little boys though.

you spelled my name wrong.
and would that not make me a pedaphile. sigh ....you made me sad with the repetition of calling me fag and bumpin lil' boys.
i hope you dont write lyrics . if they match your wimpy, pathetic digs then you should hang it up (along with yourself).
[Jan 27,2009 12:11am - ..........  ""]
you spelled pedophile wrong, dumbass.

baby dick sucker.

[Jan 27,2009 6:31am - Lamp nli  ""]
This has never been posted on here before? Still, great video.
[Apr 15,2009 9:24pm - anonymous  ""]
your translating skills are excellent, not to mention your spelling ;D

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