Cyberbullying[views:1839][posts:4]______________________________________ [Feb 12,2009 3:10am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [Feb 12,2009 4:35am - deadlikemurf ""] YEAH RICH |
_________________________________ [Feb 12,2009 6:35am - reimroc ""] YOU MEANIE |
__________________________________________ [Feb 12,2009 6:50am - douchebag_patrol ""] brainless%20corpse said:You take a shit anywhere besides your own mothers face and you will have your ___. Your so fucking stupid you incriminate yourself by stating in black and white with a traceable ip address what you supposedly plan to do. you know my nieces and nephews all live there and you would do something like that and you fuck with people who own Arms. And yes the arms are registered and completely legal (i.e second amendment asshole) so when you try to trespass and try to assault any of my family you will be shot dead in self defense you worthless shit for brains loser. And if you move it will not matter the government is watching you you buffoon. Some of which are councilmen with direct orders to watch you for when you slip up and fuck yourself. Every human being leaves a trail, everyone. Checks are cashed names are changes and traced, address changed supply forms of previous address and identity. Rocky never liked you ever since you targeted his children in bestbuy, nor does anyone else I know. And the next threat that comes from your IP address is going to get sent right over to the police and then you get to see my beautiful face in court again. That is what you want. You had a homosexual attraction to me and you cant get over the fact that I am not gay and had numerous girlfriends and you always had to go home after practice with your five fingers. So every chance you get you log in respond to our post, mind you 3 years after we threw you out of the band, and you bate us all in so you can see us all again. Oh and you fucking children that follow you around and think your so deep and morbid, misanthropic all blindly submit to your stupidity and childish behaviour so if they want to get in on your game they can and you can all be the jocks of metal together because you do your job to keep the underground clean, haha. Thats all your life is? worthless fools. Yeah only death is real right George, how can you prove that statement, thats as foolish as anything else that has ever come out of a metal jocks mouth. Only death is real, haha, and how the fuck so. Okay so the first and second laws of thermodynamics are not real? Well how so? I have seen the proof of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Take yourself for example. "Energy left to itself will reduce to its lowest state of being (i.e. Entropy)". Now as far as I remember way back when you were trying to play a guitar in the band you got lazier and lazier until you reduced yourself to just eating food and sitting down during practice complaining about how you were dying. You got to the point where you no longer wanted to leave the house and ultimately were losing control of your motor functions. your recticular formation was not receiving and afference/ efference from your peripheral and you ultimately turned gay, not dead. but I will state entropy held true and so did your reducing to a lower common denominator. You did not "Die". and even when you do so you when still do not understand what death is, so how can one say it is the only truth. We can empirically study a change and a degree in kind/change but we cannot observe what else is happening let alone come back and say hey you know what, death is real and this is what it is...We can say that the molecular structure is breaking down and changing in degree and kind, But to what ultimate degree and to what ultimate kind???So when you "hang" with your Metal dudes and jocks and you want to agree on things that are not solid but actually just stagnant static concepts that can never be proven at this point but you establish those theories as a particular in this realm that way you can have some degree of comfort and see that you are not alone and you decide "hey, we can agree on this one thing man", and its this "Only death is real" well hey at least I guess it brings some sort of comfort to your "cult". By the way only cults have absolute followers and you only make friends with absolute followers so if thats what makes you so metal jock, trve and kvlt then so be it. But be aware people have seen your kind since man has established records on other human beings. you are not unique, you are not "misanthropic (i.e super overly used and abused vocab)" and you are not strange. You are also not "dead" to the world because you chose to partake in it every morning when you wake up, brush your teeth, comb your hair. You are not "rich" (i.e. defined as by you) because you work on a token system just like the rest of us, only you are deeper in compliance with the second law of thermodynamics so you do less for your money. You will never do anything you threaten to do because as I have said you fear and fear is at the root of all your posts, threats and and flamboyant jealousy, just as I said in court when the judge looked at you as though your when a child trapped in a full grown mans body. A child who is not willing to accept the future so he hates, and out of embarrassment and fear you lie and state you wish for death and blah blah blah. I one time told you I thought you were an existential thinker like myself and jsut like evry other human but you are not you just think in loops. that is why you have not got past this departure and in your mind it was as bad as a break up. you saw that I was a cool guy someone you could relate to but you misread your feelings and became obsessed with me. I will never feel threatened by you because I know you are just a being liek the rest of us. It is sad that I have to sit here and write an essay to get you to stop being a leech and following our every post but I maybe that is what brings excitement to your life, everyone has their kicks I guess. That is why I agree with scott from Xasthur, "metal is for jocks". I like my metal but I dont share it with anyone and I dont need any reinforcement by crowds etc... Infact I even like hellhammer quit a bit but I am not a follower and I am not a soldier for anyone else therefore I am not a metal jock. I like what entertains me and I move on, if I catch a diamond show or a mayhem show then I am likely to have a good afternoon, but I do not worship and I do not fixate. brainless%20corpse said:I remember when Rocky showed you his gun collection and you nearly shit because you knew you were dealing with the redneck Zombies and when Sil fired his 45 in the back yard and you were afraid of that dam molecular bullet and now I have a killer collection you should come down with me sil rock Brian to the smithfield gun lodge, itd be dam fun. and no of course not, St Luci doesnt need any guns hes in the MOB so his buddies pack heat and no he doesn't cheat on his wife hes got a happy "FAMILY" haha. Why do you always accuse us of being filthy mobsters. You like Mobsters or something. We have never threatened anyone either nor do we have to hurt anyone. We do nothing to noone and you treat us like shit and you made fun of bill so now he has something against you. Dam you just keep racking them all up. Even the guys in Vital threw you out of a show because your trouble. Dam your a real rebel. |
______________________________________ [Feb 12,2009 9:55am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |