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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to DestroyYouAlot.
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[QUOTE="DestroyYouAlot:908769"]What the fuck. I really should've eaten something yesterday. Besides Sam and herbals. I missed UGF due to fucking tolls, but I scored their demo, which made me giggle like a little schoolgirl - I've been wanting to hear recording from them since Herugrim played with them at the Wheelchair. It's a strange beast - there's a lot of melodeath, but melodeath in a "Dissection worship" vein rather than a Gothenchusetts thing. Then there's a whole slab of Neurosis-sounding post-hardcore kinda stuff (nice), a whole bunch of Ulver-y acoustic stuff (I wish more bands would do this) and the whole thing backed by an actual soprano vocalist (this would sound super lame if she couldn't actually pull it off, but from what I remember at the Wheelchair, even with a shit PA and no monitors this girl was spot-on). The only thing I would question is some of the note choices - I can't always tell if they're willfully ignoring / going outside the key, or if they're just not aware of / paying attention to it. [/theory nerd] Overall, it's more of a sprawling piece of music versus a handful of songs, and I like that. This will be in my car a lot. I missed Vaettir too, or at least I didn't catch enough of their last song to make an impression. Maybe next time. I was fucking psyched to see Bog after getting passed their demo at the Krieg show, and I was super curious to see how much of it translated live. Live was 20 times better, A+. Drummer's a monster, shrieking came across like I was hoping, and I really really like the leads (LEADS FO YO METAL BAND JOE). Summoning Hate always reminds me of being 15 and discovering Napalm Death and death metal. LOL @ Latino confusion (some dude thinking Al from Ipsissymass was in SH). All differences aside, Seth sounded good with Summoning - it's a good fit. Glad to see they can weather another lineup change. Ipsissimus had fun and awesome technical problems, but Al going through the board was better than Al going through his amp, anyway (i.e., louder and I could hear it better). Watching Ryan play guitar always makes me so fucking jealous. LOL Amazing as always, hope you can make it up this way a few more times before your drummer goes AWOL. At some point I drunkenly lost all my earplugs and the demos I'd accumulated, but thanks to UGF folks for providing me with extras (demos not earplugs). And thanks to a certain mysterious Mr. Herrer for gracing us with his presence. [/QUOTE]
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