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New Family Guy

[Feb 15,2009 10:00pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Anyone see this tonight? The bit with Christian Bale was GOLD.
[Feb 15,2009 10:18pm - deadlikemurf ""]

[Feb 15,2009 10:58pm - immortal13 ""]
Missed it.
[Feb 15,2009 10:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
link it up
[Feb 15,2009 11:02pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

[Feb 15,2009 11:05pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Obviously all the swears were bleeped.
[Feb 15,2009 11:10pm - immortal13 ""]
They usually sdon't have skits that long on that show. A little wierd.
[Feb 16,2009 2:24am - oscarct ""]
I thought this episode sucked (bale bit was good)
[Feb 16,2009 7:00am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Feb 16,2009 7:41am - succubus ""]
did you catch SNL where Alec Bladwin thanked Bale for takign the spotlight off him in terms of "celebrity breakdown" haha

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