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Marquez-Diaz, fight of the year

[Mar 1,2009 1:22am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
This needs its own thread, an hour and a half later and I'm still hyped up from this fight. Replay on HBO at 8am and 4:30pm, riyl little Mexicans beating the shit out of each other.
[Mar 1,2009 12:42pm - guy  ""]
[Mar 2,2009 10:43am - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]
FUCK! I was at a pizza shop in Lowell as the undercard was starting and KNEW I wasn't gonna get to watch the Diaz fight, so all the pre-fight build up was just torturing me. I'll see if it's online.
[Mar 2,2009 10:46am - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]

They had the De La Hoya/Pacquiao up almost immediately after it aired, but they don't have Marquez/Diaz yet. Maybe soon? Either way there're a bunch of good, full-length fights on there.

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