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looking for a label

[Mar 22,2009 6:18pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Looking for a label that will manufacture/distribute/sell my cd, and they can keep 100% of what they make. I require no 'advance' or any 'up front money'. All I ask for is 100 copies.

I would basically license the cd rights to them; I save the digital/online sales for myself.

anyone know a label that would be into this kind of a deal?
[Mar 22,2009 7:56pm - joeyumbrella ""]
try Geffen, just ask for dave....
[Mar 22,2009 8:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I hear this guy Ahmet Ertegun is looking
[Mar 22,2009 9:34pm - archaeon ""]
lol n00b
[Mar 22,2009 10:27pm - NECROPSY666  ""]
[Mar 22,2009 11:31pm - gorshitz  ""]
pathosproductions has a rep for ripping bands off. If you went with them you wouldn't even get your 100 cd's, i'd stay clear of them. What kind of music do you play?
[Mar 22,2009 11:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

archaeon said:lol n00b

that;s the best part, he's ancient
[Mar 23,2009 7:14am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
no respect, i tell ya

listen kids, I've done deals before, when you rock stars were in diapers; just wondering if anyone wanted to recommend anybody local

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