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New computer monitor = AWSOME

[May 4,2009 8:41pm - niccolai ""]
Got a 26" westinghouse widescreen

westinghouse isn;t a perticularly well known company yet, but my last two monitors were westinghouse and I had awsome luck

this thing is pimp for gaming and photo/audio/video editing.

it seems like the size of 2 19" widescreems next to eachother.

here it is next to my 22" widescreem


any who, they retailed for like 450-550$ when they first came out.

They are being discontinued and best buy has them on closeout, I bought the display model and got my friend to give me his 10% discount and ended up only paying 180 for it. still has the factory warranty and came with all the cables and crap.

The only problem I had was i had to update my graphics card driver to be able to display the 1920x1200 res. I'm also having a real hard time finding a decent walpaper big enough.

anyways, if you got 180$ to spend on a new monitor, buy one of these or you're a pussy.
[May 4,2009 9:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got a sp2309w from dell. it's amazing. a little warm color wise, but amazing.
[May 4,2009 9:21pm - niccolai ""]
I was about 10 seconds away from pulling the trigger on a dell SX2210 but I saw this and couldn't pass it up.
[May 4,2009 11:19pm - reimroc ""]
Thats a big monitor. I use a 19'' widescreen and that's more than enough for me. Probably because all I do is game.
[May 5,2009 12:34am - niccolai ""]
my 19 is great for gaming, but it got pretty annoying not having the vertical space for video/audio/photo editing.
[May 5,2009 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
at work, my one laptop has 24" 1900x1200, a 19" 1280x7xx, and the laptop monitor 14" 1400x900. it's about enough.
I have my development environment and error messages split on the 24".
my web/email on the 19" and running programs/GUIs that I'm working on on the lappy LCD.

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