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Unholy Goatfucker Needs A New Drummer!!

[May 29,2009 11:26am - Czarnobóg ""]
We're kinda fucked on the drummer front at the moment. HELP!!!

About us: Black metal/blackened thrash band with some melodic death metal influence (w/ some opera vocals thrown in for good measure). We play out regularly, have some shows coming up, and some plans to write and record for a full length soon.

We need someone who lives in the Boston area or willing to commute regularly, is committed/reliable (ie, two practices a week, showing up prepared, able to play out regularly) and good with blasts and double-bass. Not too many weird changes or timings, but not exactly 4/4 punk either.

[May 29,2009 11:34am - blue ""]
What? I thought jay was playing for you guys?
[May 29,2009 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
the make up get to him?
[May 29,2009 11:39am - arilliusbm ""]
good luck guys.
[May 29,2009 11:39am - Czarnobóg ""]
He was. It was goin good and he was getting up to speed with the songs, but he's got some personal business he's dealing with and trying to record/tour with his other band this summer so it wasn't really working out.
[May 29,2009 11:40am - arilliusbm ""]
there is a shortage of available drummers in the area willing to dedicate themselves to anything black metal related. unless someone prooves me otherwise!
[May 29,2009 11:45am - Czarnobóg ""]
Yeah, its tough. Sucks too because we've been writing a lot of new stuff, but everytime we try and move forward with it something comes up. Ah well, we got a couple of leads. Hopefully find someone soon.
[May 29,2009 11:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Good luck, guys/gals! Black metal drummers are slippery bastards.
[May 29,2009 3:16pm - Seth  ""]
Do you have anything to give to listen to of all your songs?:satancross:
[May 29,2009 3:40pm - W3 nli  ""]
[May 30,2009 5:50pm - mangled44  ""]
how about steve from cythraul? he's all about black metal
[May 30,2009 8:39pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i'll keep my ears open, if you weren't such an active band i would definitely want in.

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