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CD duplication/ CD production

[Jun 1,2009 12:27pm - niccolai ""]
Looking for the best deal.

I usually go through diskfactory.com

but they don't offer slim line jewel cases or decent digipacks

who goes where?
[Jun 1,2009 12:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I go with Icon Omni

Great prices, great final output, great service. Back'd. The Taste of Silver went with them for...800 Mountains, I think.

[Jun 1,2009 1:00pm - blue ""]
Parasitic Extirpation pressed our EP with Icon too. Excellent prices.
[Jun 1,2009 1:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 1,2009 1:24pm - niccolai ""]
Small runs are a must since I usually only order 100 at a time

Just for comparison, disk factory does 100 CDs, full color printing on disk, tray, and insert for 195$.

includes shrink wrapping free and UPC bar free

also makes 10 free CDs and sets up an account for you on DF jams and Itunes without any extra money or effort.

10 day turn around.

I went through them for the Rohis Cd 'tattooing the nameless faces of our beheaded enemies'

I dont know if I'll be able to find a better deal anywhere, but cant hurt to shop around.

Disk factory also gives you a small discount with repeat orders.
[Jun 1,2009 1:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
We used Imprint for the "Fatima" CDs. 1000 for $850. About 3 week turnaround and very good service. Would use again.


I originally wanted to do digipaks but they're WAY more expensive.

Before we pressed em up right and proper, I had a place near me do 100 silver-faced High quality CDRs with thermal printing for $100. I bought bulk slimline cases and went to Kinkos and photocopied the cover/insert on decent paper. Decent "ghetto" edition that I didn't feel bad selling for $3.

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