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New tracks from The Summoned now online!

[Jun 17,2009 10:57am - SteveSummoned ""]
Just posted our new 2009 demo on our Myspace. Check it out!

[Jun 17,2009 11:09am - BrianDBB ""]
Heard this shit last night... definitely your best songs/recording to date.
[Jun 17,2009 1:03pm - joeycobra ""]
listening to it....digging it.
[Jun 17,2009 5:53pm - immortal13 ""]
Sounds awesome. Fred always does an awesome job too.

Who slapped da bass?
[Jun 17,2009 6:03pm - SteveSummoned ""]
Shaun slapped da bass.
[Jun 17,2009 6:06pm - immortal13 ""]
Nice. Sounds awesome man.
[Jun 23,2009 2:18am - SteveSummoned ""]
**BUMP** You can now download our 2009 demo at www.thesummoned.com
[Jun 23,2009 8:27pm - weeed  ""]
by far the best you guys have done.. some pretty sick parts, some of the newer style stuff doesn't really appeal to me but that's just one opinion.
[Jun 23,2009 8:46pm - charest ""]
sounds great guys! i knew i went to some of your shows for a reason
[Jun 24,2009 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
it's too bad I don't have sound on this pc.
[Jun 30,2009 12:15pm - SteveSummoned ""]
**BUMP** Download our new demo at www.thesummoned.com

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